Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun sg] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The profitable running of such undertakings as water , gas , electricity and public transport could yield income either to relieve the rates or to provide other social services such as public baths or libraries .
2 So we had to go and do shopping just to get your butter .
3 Not that a rifle round could beat gravity sufficiently to threaten a helicopter at five hundred metres .
4 I know this is a bit of an affront to our high opinion of ourselves as human beings , er , of course many people regard it that way , but erm my view is that er we ca n't expect science necessarily to tell us things we want to hear .
5 ( However , on May 1 ministers did approve a " solemn declaration " to be attached to the Treaty saying that " it was and is their intention that the protocol shall not limit freedom either to travel between member states or … to obtain or make available in Ireland , information relating to services lawfully available in member states " . )
6 The following brief notes are indications as to how one might use drama both to stimulate and support work in specific curriculum areas .
7 I 'll have money enough to pay you by spring , Christian — that 's if you think three pounds ten shillings an acre is a fair price . ’
8 Will he dissociate himself from that comment and will he take action today to see that the hon. Gentleman concerned is ’ liberated ’ from his ministerial duties ?
9 It is also important to measure and cut fabric accurately to ensure that the pleats not only lie squarely on top of each other when the blind is pulled up but also to ensure that the blind hangs squarely when down .
10 We shall have occasion later to examine the evidence submitted to and conclusions of the Bullock Committee , and it is sufficient here to note not only the submissions from educational and public librarians but also the committee 's support for the work of librarians in schools , and its welcome for the now-emerging courses leading to people dually qualified as both teachers and librarians .
11 Venables laughed off suggestions he should take control now to rescue the nation 's American Dream .
12 If you did n't have dividend enough to clear that you would lose your book .
13 also the airfield has never not actually be marketed properly it could be marketed much better as , as , as it was to attract more , more executive business and more freight business , freight , airfreight is a greatly expanding business and there are lots of opportunities that this airfield would have in airfreight we 've got erm buildings there we could have warehousing there to deal with airfreight .
14 We refer the interested reader to Schwartz ( 1985 ) for more illustrations of ways of applying Garrett 's model to aphasic sentence production , since we do not have space here to consider this work further : we must now turn from considering disorders of spoken language to a discussion of disorders of written language reading disorders ( acquired dyslexias ) and writing disorders ( acquired dysgraphias ) .
15 I do not have space here to discuss the various ways in which versions of this conception of self have been influential , in philosophy and psychology , for instance .
16 I do not have space here to discuss the question of self-deception in detail .
17 I 'll take care never to do it again .
18 It did n't take Matron long to realize that something was going on and put a stop to it . ’
19 If you will need to relate what someone said or did take time beforehand to remember it clearly and note it down .
20 And when he pointed out that these were Irish , not British Trade unions they were talking about , it was sadly admitted that the English disease had poisoned the minds of many impressionable Irish trade unionists and that it would of course take time entirely to eradicate malign English influences from the land of Saints and Scholars .
21 When additional work is required for which payment has not been provided in the contract documents , the engineer may have power either to agree new rates for measured work or a fixed price for a defined piece of work .
22 ‘ It appears to me clear ’ , he said , ‘ that neither the LTE in making its proposals , nor the GLC in accepting them , could have power totally to disregard any responsibility for ensuring , so far as practicable , that outgoings are met by revenue , and that the LTE runs its business on economic lines . ’
23 In Georgia the Supreme Soviet , reportedly bowing to pressure from opposition groups , on March 20 decided to postpone the elections to that body due on March 25 until October or November , in order that other political parties would have time enough to organize themselves to take part .
24 He says he will have time enough to relax and carouse when he 's had a smash hit with his first novel .
25 Be warned , if you have one or two large and complex images , you could have time enough to make drink , and regret a cup of coffee before the thumbnail picture has been completed , but next time it will display with alacrity .
26 ‘ When I 've seen you safely on the train , I should still have time enough to get to the auction . ’
27 He did not have time now to investigate his own feelings , but somewhere at the back of his mind was the thought that he was , himself , no idealist .
28 He said : ‘ Surely it would make sense just to get the game played . ’
29 On abnormally hot days , and abnormally cold days , the jointing block can change size sufficiently to spoil the join .
30 When the user has entered all the charge codes , the user should press TAB again to move onto the next field .
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