Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [pn reflx] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the child 's mental processes become more complex , it becomes increasingly able to absorb and construct for itself the complexities of the external world .
2 We will know for ourselves the experience of God speaking through his written revelation to us .
3 But you should think of yourself a little ; a halo is all very well … ’
4 Now , what we have to do is organize for ourselves a mechanism whereby , for any particular project , we use the procedures that are necessary for that project .
5 The Soviet leadership appeared concerned that it should ensure for itself a role in any future Middle East peace settlement .
6 Once humanity can formulate for itself a truly superstition-free religion , such activities would die a natural death , as for example , has the burning of ‘ witches ’ , although even this hideous ritual would be not entirely free from revival if a godless , religious vacuum were allowed to form .
7 And the idea was to provide a a place where where hopefully local people could erm identify for themselves the problems that they shared in common .
8 If he held his hand over a flowering plant , he could sense in himself the healing properties of that flower .
9 I see things like senile dementia as being a direct result of restricted breathing over very many years — in 20 , 30 or 40 years you can do to yourself the same sort of thing that happens in an operating theatre if oxygen is withdrawn . ’
10 The Picts could see for themselves the benefits and in doing so , the Romans hoped , would cease their war-like activities and come to heel .
11 Besides , Edouard should see for himself the vineyards and plantations there : they were doing well , Jean-Paul said proudly .
12 On his return , Williams could now see for himself the changes that had taken place in the social and political structure of Trinidad and Tobago during his absence .
13 From the architectural viewpoint the greatest importance of this site , now so excellently opened up and preserved , is that it has preserved for us a provincial Roman city at a certain point in time — A.D. 79 — so that we can see for ourselves the buildings in which such citizens of the empire lived .
14 For informal workers who genuinely do work for themselves the freedom of being your own boss does not often amount to much amid growing competition and soaring inflation .
15 Although the juxtaposition of short story and source material would provide in itself a useful basis for an informal discussion of composition and technique , the proposed extension to the activity undertaken here involves participants developing their own story based on the newspaper account .
16 She would keep to herself the colour of her days — white Mondays , bordered in yellow , mahogany-brown Sundays .
17 Employers must therefore now decide for themselves the extent to which their staff need to be trained , having regard to the nature of the work involved .
18 A few minutes and twenty-two fences later Popham Down would secure for himself a notorious footnote in racing history …
19 Should you decide to come here , I feel sure that you will discover for yourself the vibrant nature of the place .
20 So it was that by Thursday morning Charlotte could detect within herself an ebbing of urgency , a slide towards fatalism , a creeping acceptance that Samantha 's absence might be as permanent as Maurice 's .
21 My wish for you is that in your travels you will discover in yourself a truer meaning of life , and will one day return to us enriched and mature from your experiences .
22 Why does he arrogate to himself the claim to know more about patient care than all those professionals ?
23 I do not arrogate to myself a knowledge superior to that of the professionals , but I have had imposed on me the obligation to exercise a quasi-judicial function in assessing applications .
24 Success in the examination did not secure by itself a study position abroad , but it was the minimum requirement .
25 Improvisation of any kind typifies Medau accompaniment — it encourages class members to feel and appreciate for themselves the many-sidedness of movement , and learn through aural perception rather than mere visual mimicry .
26 Lords Scarman and Simon have recently added a broader objective : " Whether or not judicial virtue needs such a spur , there is also another important interest involved in justice done openly , namely that the evidence and argument should be publicly known , so that society may judge for itself the quality of justice administered in its name , and whether the law requires modification … the common law by its recognition of the principle of open justice ensures that the public administration of justice will be subject to public scrutiny .
27 Once the modes of alliance have been decided upon , MAS and SPG would develop with yourselves a detailed action plan and suitable approach strategy in order to maximise the changes of a successful outcome with each preferred partner .
28 Occasionally the initiative comes from local sources , an enquiry or request for information about WEA provision and sometimes a keen local person will take upon himself the responsibility of calling a meeting .
29 This distinction between the effort of the CBHPs and the effort of communities is a useful one in that CBHPs can not take upon themselves the role of providing what a national government can not or will not provide .
30 You can impress on yourself the need for clarity of expression , meticulous accuracy and brevity by imagining , while writing a report , that you will have to defend the completed version in court under cross-examination by an opposing Counsel .
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