Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Do you ever stop and think about the way you breathe ?
2 ‘ Guides should be setting the example and I think we should think about the way we put adventure first . ’
3 How much do we know about the way music sounded in the past , and does it really matter anyway ?
4 I know , but what I mean is that when they see the city centre , the people who are walking up and down the city centre , they see all the national charities , they do n't necessarily feel that they 're organised in the same way and therefore that they should be participating , and the whole palaver of getting a licence and applying is actually quite difficult , it 's not a simple , it 's not something , we get numerous telephone calls in the office saying ‘ Well can I go out next Saturday and rattle a tin for such-and-such ’ , and you say ‘ Well , you ca n't ’ , and it 's left much too late , so that people do n't know about the way you get licenses to rattle tins in city centre .
5 He does n't approve of the way I spend my free time .
6 If I do it in private , I may easily fall into the way of doing so in public .
7 And the agreement may insist that the duchess should never act in a way that brings the royal family into disrepute .
8 On the other hand , such an authority must act in good faith , use the powers for the purpose for which they were given , take into account relevant matters and disregard the irrelevant , and must not act in a way so unreasonable that no reasonable authority could have so acted .
9 Thus the government may spend money on compulsory education or compulsory vaccination because is recognizes that , left to their own decisions , individuals will act in a way they will subsequently regret .
10 Needs have to be met to enable active citizenship as without education , welfare , health care , self-respect , and law we can not act in a way we would like to .
11 Responsible suppliers , who have everything to gain by maximising product penetration , will welcome the chance to contribute and usually will assist in every way .
12 By day it 's very much a ‘ let's get a sunlounger and lie on the sand ’ sort of resort and the sandy beach is well equipped with everything you 'll need in the way of bars , restaurants and shade , and there are several places to waterski , windsurf and parascend or try your hand on the wet bikes .
13 Another factor which may influence the chances of conventional videodisc players is that in the 1990s , the collection of high quality , permanent recordings of movies and other programming might appeal in a way it never could in the early 1980s .
14 The managers might behave in a way that benefits themselves and does not maximize shareholders ' wealth .
15 When we are hurt by someone 's behaviour , all that is happening is that we are disappointed because they do not behave in the way we expect and the reality conflicts with our ideals .
16 Mrs. Campbell hoped that a tide waiter 's post might be found for the man , but there was more to it than charity , for , as she advised her cousin , William Anderson 's brother was a rich baker who had lately filled the office of deacon convener of trades in Stirling , and ‘ as he has a near connection with severalls in the present management I wish if possible you could fall on a way to get this small thing for him , it wou 'd make a noise amongest the folks to see that we are at pains to do for them ’ .
17 For there is a formula which generates the ‘ deviant ’ continuation from the same early stages ; since both series start in the same way , we can not appeal to the way in which one starts in order to justify our preference for its way of going on .
18 Does he know by the way ? ’
19 It is extremely important at this stage to take unlimited amounts of time and trouble , as the success of your design will stand or fall by the way in which it is finished .
20 Now it was National Socialism or nothing — and the faint-hearts must fall by the way .
21 Given that this is so , what sense can we make of the way in which God , as opposed to John or Jane Smith , is personal ?
22 In answer to the question ‘ Do you approve or disapprove of the way … is handling his job as President ? ’ the respondents answers are given in Table 2 , which also shows that after the fourth month of Reagan 's first term , and in the wake of the assassination attempt on 30 March , his approval rating rose to 68 per cent .
23 West Midlands bureaux managers may feel proud at the number of workers who reported that they were very satisfied and could think of no way in which they would do things better .
24 Between them they could think of no way to get the food Mrs MacDonagh had cooked that afternoon , and the plates she had left in the stove , from the kitchen to the table at dinner time without something getting cold .
25 He would baffle and intrigue her , just as he had done Cassie on their first meeting ; and Cassie could think of no way in which she could explain him away .
26 He could think of no way of escape , short of downright rudeness .
27 He said they should go upstairs to the room above the gallery , and she could think of no way of refusing .
28 Without scrutinising the accounts and checking them against stock , Ian could think of no way of discovering whether Williams was telling the truth about the number of candles held by the Cathedral .
29 I can think of no way round this dilemma except that you come in person and explain to her that it is an entirely business-like arrangement .
30 I 'd like confirmation that he 's as crippled as he appears to be , because , much as I 'd like to , I can think of no way in which a man in his apparent condition could have pulled off this murder . ’
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