Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 O.K. , if I insisted he would stay for dinner with Max tomorrow evening , and could I let him know what I was planning to cook as he would like to start working on the antidote .
2 If becoming a person can only arise through communion with God , then in the same way the marriage of two persons arises and is sustained only in God .
3 They adopted a Krakow Declaration , stating that the three countries would act for union with a united Europe and that their security would best be served by integration with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) , and recognizing the dangers posed by the breaking up of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union .
4 According to sources , Hewlett-Packard Co has snapped up 88open 's testing suite which it will re-write for use with its PA RISC : HP shelled out a reported $600,000 .
5 The rules are inconsistent because , for example , pensioners are automatically exempt from prescription charges but will qualify for help with other charges only if they have low incomes .
6 And does he still jump into bed with Big Ears ?
7 THE Government will today fall into line with the European Community 's proposed Social Charter when the right of workers to belong — as well as not to belong — to a trade union is enshrined in its Employment Bill .
8 With a conscious effort , she swallowed the small spurt of irritation against his easy presumption that she 'd simply fall into line with whatever he chose to do .
9 Yesterday , the shadow Chancellor said on the early morning news that Britain should fall into line with its partners — in other words , that we should give in to them without bothering to do anything to secure the best deal for this country .
10 In the name of harmonisation , and to avoid charges of unfair trading , she says all 12 countries must fall into step with the one with the toughest rules .
11 Furthermore , this enhanced presence of calcineurin can act in synergy with a phorbol ester to stimulate T cells , thus by-passing the normal calcium requirement .
12 Many , however , came to accept it in the context of their hopes for future labour success : capitalist bureaucracy was undesirable , but when labour came to dominate Parliament , the bureaucracy would act in sympathy with the needs and condition of the working class and would no longer be regarded as an alien intrusion .
13 Trade unions have a statutory right of notice and governors must always act in accordance with employment law .
14 So when he claims to have had glimpses of absolute Truth , it may be reasonable to assume , not that he has caught a glimpse of some kind of hypostasized Ultimate or extra-mundane entity , but rather that through his participation in a particular form of life he is made aware of the need to live and act in accordance with certain religious and ethical criteria and is informed by the spirit of what might be called dharma ( law ) , or ta ( moral law ) , or tao ( way ) but which he prefers to call Truth ( Satya ) or God .
15 As we have seen , he claims to have had glimpses only of absolute Truth and we have interpreted this to mean that he is often made aware of the need to live and act in accordance with certain ethical and religious principles and to travel in a certain spirit .
16 It was within his own mode of religious discourse that he was made aware of the need to travel in a certain spirit and to think and act in accordance with specific religious and ethical criteria to which he gave the name Truth .
17 In evaluating the commercial possibilities of options , it should be assumed that the parties will act in accordance with their economic interests , but account should not be taken of courses of action which the parties would take only in the event of a severe deterioration in the creditworthiness of the issuer .
18 So far as the mechanisms for enforcing the rules of conduct are concerned , section 18(2) of the Act requires that any person who is exercising any of the functions conferred by Part II of the Act with respect to any of the matters described in section 18(1) , the granting of rights or audience etc. , must act in accordance with the general principle mentioned in section 17(3) .
19 The directors must act in accordance with what they believe to be an appropriate balancing of the sometimes conflicting interests , but the court can not intervene merely because it disagrees with the way in which the directors have weighted those interests .
20 The cases establish the basic requirement that a director must act in accordance with the standard of the ‘ ordinary prudent man ’ .
21 for this reason , the courts apply the rule that when Parliament has conferred a judicial or quasi-judicial power upon a person , he must act in accordance with the rules of natural justice .
22 Students are regarded as having contracts with their institution , one of the implied terms of which will be that the institution will act in accordance with natural justice .
23 In F v West Berkshire Health Authority [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 545 , Lord Goff stated : where the state of affairs is permanent or semi-permanent , as … in the case of a mentally disordered person … there is no point in waiting to obtain the patient 's consent … the doctor must act in the best interests of his patient , just as if he had received his patient 's consent so to do … the lawfulness of the doctor 's action is to be found in the principle of necessity … the doctor must act in accordance with a responsible and competent body of relevant professional opinion … it may be good practice to consult relatives and others who are concerned with the care of the patient .
24 That this curiosity ( the urge to discover new things ) should act in tandem with its apparent opposite , conservatism of thought , within the human animal is an obvious paradox — another mystery .
25 Equally , the giver of homage could not act in concert with , or give help to , any of his lord 's enemies .
26 IT IS not irrational for a jury to decide that the first of two co-accused acted in concert with the second but that the second co-accused did not act in concert with the first , because the case against each accused must be considered separately and there may be evidence which is admissible against one but not the other .
27 He also submitted that it was essential that a jury should reach a rational conclusion by a rational process of thought , and he further submitted that it was wholly irrational for them in effect to hold that the first appellant did not act in concert with the second appellant , but that the second appellant acted in concert with the first appellant .
28 At first blush it might appear self-contradictory to hold that A did not act in concert with B but that B acted in concert with A , but there was no real inconsistency .
29 An alteration to the Party Constitution forbade selection as a candidate to anyone who " does not undertake to accept and act in harmony with the Standing Orders of the Parliamentary Party " .
30 The bestowal of a right upon a third party gives rise to expectations on the part of that third party that the parties will act in conformity with the treaty in their relations with itself ; without necessarily having made any commitment of its own it will see itself as the beneficiary of the exchange of promises between the parties .
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