Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 They had been hurt by it and have had to seriously think about how to make themselves better .
2 He 'll wait for ever to get you now .
3 While Bush was still publicly optimistic , his chances seemed slim — especially as the fat ladies could n't wait until tomorrow to sing .
4 But her Pakistan people 's party must wait until tomorrow to find out if it has the power that comes with control of the key state of Punjab .
5 Inevitably this proximity involved a fair amount of touching and occasional pressures , which the man found very much to his taste , and which the young woman at least did not object to sufficiently to draw away to the limits of her corner .
6 For now , we will concentrate on how to make the best of the built-in microphone .
7 ‘ Apart from all that , if somebody heard him scream , why did they wait till now to say so ? ’
8 Now in order to move yourself forward you might need to go to excess , you might need at least to tolerate excesses .
9 Assuming you are part of the majority I will explain below how to learn what the jugglers call ‘ the cascade ’ , which is the most basic movement .
10 I ca n't think of anywhere to go , my God !
11 I wanted to say that women , since they uttered human beings , had no need to make a noise , that all the bluster of music was a sad cry because the world was unevenly divided , but I could n't think of how to put it .
12 If you went out to dinner , you did n't think of how to get out of going to bed with him , it was how to get out of the car without kissing him . ’
13 ’ When you 've finished drooling over him , you might re-activate your brain and help me think of how to find our why he 's here . ’
14 " If we do n't run into any trouble and the brook takes us through the wood , " he thought , " we really shall be clear of the warren and then we can look for somewhere to rest for a bit .
15 " Ca n't see in there to fix my orchid . "
16 And he ca n't he usually works in the Bistro in Padsdown , he could n't work in there to repay it !
17 Are erm erm have been made I 'd like to simply to say I think two things .
18 I would like to now to call on Steve , Dick 's namesake , regional secretary of Midland region , to move the vote of thanks .
19 She would begin at once to look for another post .
20 The colour the what the lay out of the foyer we would look at again to make it more inviting more friendly we 'll do that .
21 Those courses are aimed at business people and farmers , and will look at how to make life easier using a computer to do accounts and lists of information .
22 I 'd like at least to have a picture in my mind 's eye of where everything is . ’
23 We know the nature of our own sensory states , perhaps , but how can we build from there to gain knowledge of a past , a future , or the sensory states of others ?
24 ‘ It 'd take for ever to find nomes down there .
25 May I call before then to see how Mrs Gillingham is ? ’
26 Now I just do n't think that 's rea realistic , that 's different from saying you may have a bail system , cos that 's what I thought you were suggesting and for people to b come into the ring as pension fund managers , they would have to perhaps to put up securities of a million pounds each to o operate in this area and that if they behave badly , if funds went missing , if it was proved they were negligent , they would lose their million pounds bail , just as people lose bail when they do n't turn up to court .
27 You 'll have to off to do something like that , communal
28 I mean I do n't I try to not to take a lot of notice of it you
29 She would have to control that urge to speak without thinking , would have at least to look cool and controlled , even if that was not how she felt .
30 Even if it IS about money , again a player should not have to leave Leeds if he does nt want to just to get a few bob extra .
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