Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Even if she could be brought to view his actions in his own light , he would remain for her the instrument of death .
2 As the child 's mental processes become more complex , it becomes increasingly able to absorb and construct for itself the complexities of the external world .
3 It gave me a few minutes to stop and think about what the hell I was doing .
4 All the Brownies were invited to go home and think about what the Pack could do for the fete and bring their ideas and suggestions along to the next Pack Meeting .
5 ‘ I do n't think about what the first tackle is going to be like , unless of course it comes from Stuart Pearce !
6 She would think about it-in the morning .
7 We will know for ourselves the experience of God speaking through his written revelation to us .
8 The children running the shop today are all aged eight and from the third year at school , but how much do they know about what the shop does .
9 Because if they do n't know about it the mother or the father of that child will no doubt be coming along screaming I 've been getting twenty five pounds a week for the last ten years and I 've child on my own now .
10 He thought that to remain would look ‘ unsporting ’ and would count against him the next time .
11 The more frankly we could discuss with them the better . ’
12 Would it be worth your while to consider sending for the chairman not only of the 1922 committee but also of the parliamentary Labour party so that the leaders of the respective parties in Parliament can discuss with you the conduct last night ?
13 When you sort out your notes , Sergeant , you might include in them the additional information that my car was parked at the other end of Boundary Drive , the end furthest away from Glenfair Road , see ?
14 In the case of an unregistered title you will of course make a full land charges search , and you can include in it the name of any buyer-borrower .
15 I do not recognise in what the hon. Member for Leicester , East said about my hon. Friend any vestige of truth .
16 He seems thrilled to stumble across the notion that war has a technological impetus of its own ; others will recognise in it the familiar railway-timetable explanation of why the first world war proved so unstoppably disastrous .
17 Answering , she matched my silly spite with careful , sensible remarks ; politics , she said , was the art of the possible and a good man , once in power , might find himself forced to do some things not quite in accord with his principles , but this did not mean he had forgotten them , nor that he would not act upon them the moment he practically could .
18 When the above questions concerning the Bromley case have been answered there is still the further crucial question as to how far the authority can deviate from what the court believes to be the correct proportionate balance between the respective interests .
19 I could try and describe to you the expression in my eyes at this moment ; but they are far too discoloured with rage .
20 I ca n't describe to you the agony of being told — and then having no means by which to find out …
21 In doing so the law would concentrate on what the accused dishonestly achieved or attempted to achieve and not on the means — taking or otherwise — which he used in order to do so .
22 This is an ingenious argument which made everyone think of what the real and guiding principle underlying the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 .
23 It 's relevant because at a time when I lived through the means test the one that , the real one , er then that would have been a very serious point because you could switch and turn and twist the means test in such a way that people would be continually at a disadvantage and the nearest I can think of what the effect of that was , living in a very working town , a very industrial working town and it was nothing like as bad as the one in London more recently , was the homelessness of cardboard boxes cities in London .
24 And the idea was to provide a a place where where hopefully local people could erm identify for themselves the problems that they shared in common .
25 Sandy was going to the US and I asked if I could carry for him the next year , but everybody was asking so I did n't get very far .
26 It did n't smell like something the colonel would use , so she guessed it was Leo 's , and for some silly reason that made her feel vulnerable , as though she 'd lost her identity .
27 With a sigh she knew that in the morning when the people returned they would bring with them the rivalries and ill-feeling that had spoiled everything .
28 that it can not be assumed that a paper print out of an electronic record from these systems is the same as the electronic version , on the grounds that the paper version does not bring with it the context that gives the information provenance and credibility .
29 You should bring with you the following :
30 ‘ While some parts of the industry are likely to be very profitable , other parts will have concealed dangers , which could well carry with them the seeds of financial disaster . ’
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