Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well , we can think about that later .
2 Ishmael had been reared experiencing a hard life in the desert , suffering from hunger , thirst , loneliness — but I need not think about that again — not today .
3 I wo n't think about that yet , said Fenella , silently .
4 But he did n't think about that now .
5 But she need n't think about that now , not now .
6 But she would n't think about that now .
7 I must think about this carefully . ’
8 But she 's getting cross now cos I said to her look you 've got ta think about this seriously .
9 Right what do you think about this then ?
10 " Well now , I want you to go away and think about this very carefully .
11 I 'll tell you what Honey and Munnford actually found and what their findings were , we 'll also think about some more practical applications that if people learn in different ways , what impact does this have on the trainers .
12 These women , who may be anything from 40 to 70 , take care of their forme by eating to various permutations : some do n't eat after 5 pm , others never mix protein and carbohydrate .
13 He 's — he 's — well , I do n't know for sure just what he is , but ‘ just a man ’ he sure is n't ! ’
14 But even if we discover that vineyards vanished from south east England at a time when the climate was getting colder , we still do not know for sure why they disappeared .
15 What this meal means in real terms is a member does n't necessarily know for sure why they have lost .
16 ‘ Do n't know for sure yet , but there wo n't be any European corporate jobs left after we centralise everything in Detroit .
17 Well we do n't know for sure yet about what she 's said about you .
18 No one not in the profession would know for sure whether the assassin had accepted or refused the job ; and no one except the contact and , in this case , the client , would know for sure exactly who was responsible for the messy death of Seren Haminh , probably about fifty hours from now , when the hunger would be rising again and giving her a few hours to sleep the first ecstasy off .
19 I do n't know for sure really .
20 Nobody will ever know for sure how much Ken tried to rid himself of the camp , ‘ Carry On ’ image .
21 ‘ But you 'll know for certain tomorrow ? ’
22 I do not know for certain why I went up there to watch them doing it .
23 Now , nobody would know for certain how he had died , or what had been wrong with him , her husband .
24 I do n't know about that anyway .
25 Let me know about that whenever you can .
26 I would n't know about that either .
27 I do n't know , I do n't know about that either .
28 California and Saudi Arabia are two of the , you know , destinations that come to mind but erm I do n't know about that either , you know , if she does n't
29 ‘ Do n't I know about that already ? ’
30 Well who 's gon na know about that then ?
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