Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun sg] in the " in BNC.

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1 The learner is enabled to edit and modify text in the same way , say , as an adult journalist would .
2 The Government has indicated it will make provision in the Bill for such an amendment .
3 The parties can make provision in the agreement for a different measure of damages which , for example , may be appropriate if the acquirer is to invest large amounts of money in the offeree and hence could lose much more than merely the purchase consideration .
4 Everyone does not regard noise in the same way .
5 How many in this world do you think stand in the front rank ?
6 In the same manner , I would also say , ‘ Arab brothers , do you believe that you will make progress in the fight for your cause by helping to realise the plans , unknown to us all , of a megalomaniac and ruthless Babylonian with a moustache ?
7 Firstly , we are offering a family the diagnosis of a lethal untreatable disorder in an apparently healthy baby ; secondly , the protocol was designed so that we could modify practice in the light of experience ; and , thirdly , families should have choice at every stage from the initial screening test to a confirmed diagnosis .
8 Other public policies may also influence investment in the private sector .
9 For example the centre could facilitate research in the areas where it felt that development , change and adoption of new techniques was required .
10 As the Audit Commission notes : ‘ Schools will need support in the new environment .
11 As a prince , you understand , one does not enjoy freedom in the sense that one of more humble origin may enjoy freedom .
12 Sixth-form colleges did not arouse enthusiasm in the Department of Education and Science of 1965 .
13 On June 28 she announced that she would not seek re-election in the forthcoming general election .
14 The inclusion of this clause , Rodríguez stated , had besmirched the honour of his family as well that of the armed forces , since it implied a lack of confidence in his " word of a soldier " , given on previous occasions , that he would not seek re-election in the August 1993 elections .
15 For example , you ca n't buy milk in the shop Milk .
16 Kayreddin Hasib , a Jordanian-based Sunni dissident who attended the conference , was described by the Middle East Economic Digest of April 5 as a " potentially significant figure " and " one of the few possible political leaders who could win support in the Iraqi Sunni heartlands " .
17 They do not promise change in the sense of progress ; they promise change in the same way that the apparatchiks of yesteryear want the Communists back in the Kremlin .
18 If the Government are not prepared to abolish that most ineffective policy , will they at least consider flexibility in the application of the rules , taking particular account of men who are kept on shore because of bad weather or boat maintenance ?
19 ‘ Let us walk up and discuss philosophy in the moonlight . ’
20 Cheryl Clarke cites from a leaflet distributed at a Black Liberation Movement meeting in 1981 : ‘ Revolutionary nationalists and genuine communists can not uphold homosexuality in the leadership of the Black Liberation Movement …
21 You may lack confidence in the company doctor and , equally , the management may be sceptical about an encouraging report from your own GP .
22 All being well I see no reason why it should need attention in the future
23 Our terms of reference suggested that we should consider drama in the context of the great dramatic works of literature .
24 The US , as the country of origin for the uranium , had originally insisted that shipments be made by air , but the Japanese do not have containers which would withstand impact in the event of a crash .
25 ‘ He is the one who may partner Pinsent in the coxless pairs in the next Olympics . ’
26 Second , either as a result of his or her independent actions , or acting as a result of an objection by a member of the public , the auditor can seek redress in the courts when an item of account is contrary to the law , or where money has not been brought to account or loss has been incurred through wilful misconduct .
27 Sólnes 's indication on being elected to the party leadership that he would consider participation in the government led to a split within the party .
28 However , there is irrefutable evidence that there will be a shortfall , and if we do not ensure that that gap is identified and ascertain where the resources to meet that gap will come from , not only will the people who are currently seeking community care be disadvantaged , but , more importantly , future generations who might seek care in the community will not receive the resources that at present they believe that they will get .
29 As mentioned earlier in this chapter , company policy may vary with regard to whether the expatriate is expected to rent or buy property in the new location or whether he can benefit from living in company housing .
30 The example of a tape recorder shows that it is not : the same machine can translate information in the form of sound waves in the air into patterns of magnetization on a tape , and vice versa .
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