Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 May I warmly congratulate my right hon. Friend both on her statement this afternoon and on all the ways in which she works for the British interest both in Europe and elsewhere in the world ?
2 As this is the first Prime Minister 's Question Time since the Commonwealth conference , may I congratulate my right hon. Friend on his constructive and positive approach to the issues ?
3 May I congratulate my right hon. Friend on that record ?
4 If to tax and to please , no more than to love and be wise , is not given to man , may I congratulate my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment on seeking to do the impossible .
5 May I congratulate my right hon. Friend particularly on the formation of a second Territorial Army Air Corps squadron ?
6 May I congratulate my right hon. Friend on the structure and military role that he has announced today ?
7 May I congratulate my right hon. Friend on what he has done at Maastricht in limiting the powers of the Commission , about which my constituents have been concerned for a long time ?
8 The right hon. Gentleman knows very well that I can not prejudge my right hon. Friend 's Budget , and I have no intention of doing so .
9 The syn-skin would protect her against poison gas or flame or the flash of explosions ; it would boost her already-honed nervous system and her already-notable vigour .
10 It has been found that taking them away from the contamination and giving them a healthy diet for a month can boost their damaged immune systems for up to 18 months .
11 Anyone who imagined that precise experience would know its full intrinsic nature but they might or might not realize that this was a good experience .
12 we can enjoy their large doomed blooms .
13 Although the consortium will not discuss its present financial position , the Bank of Scotland has expressed its concern , in private , to the local enterprise company , Lothian and Edinburgh Enterprise Ltd .
14 The most important point to note is that loyalty to such a family could survive its temporary political eclipse , and that this was rooted in the traditions of local society .
15 Whatever excuses or explanations may be offered in mitigation of the numerous indictments that may be levelled against the organised religions , surely nothing can vindicate their apparent widespread abandonment of responsibility to denounce the decline of standards on all moral fronts .
16 The Challenger , with its ‘ Chobham ’ composite armour , is the best-protected tank in the world and can also outshoot its Eastern -bloc counterparts .
17 The Tench should enjoy its new filtered pond
18 THERE YUGO : Injured war veteran Martin Bell will happily pack his lucky white suit and green socks again .
19 Michael will also demonstrate his other delicious savoury dishes and desserts on BBC2 's Food & Drink .
20 Who can predict what Brazilian carnival queen might not cross his path ?
21 Curran said : ‘ I 'm convinced that to finish top of the table we must win our remaining two home games with at least a victory and a draw needed in the away ties .
22 Suppose an industrial salesperson working for an adhesives manufacturer is faced with the following objection : ‘ Why should I buy your new adhesive gun when my present method of applying adhesive — direct from the tube — is perfectly satisfactory ? ’
23 ’ I do n't need your dull little job , or your pathetic fee ! ’
24 In the animal kingdom , when breeding conditions are not right , the mothers of certain species , such as rabbits , will eat their new-born young .
25 The discipline of information science , which attempts to study all the ways in which human beings communicate information with each other and the many facilities which make it easier to perform , is in its earliest formative years , and it will be a long time before we can be sure either that the science of information is a true discipline or that it can deliver its present optimistic promises .
26 Neighbours : The Scott and Charlene Love Story , in which Kylie would once more be seen in oilstained overalls as the tomboy mechanic from Ramsay Street , would damage her new sophisticated image , they claimed .
27 It is a known fact that the treatment a puppy receives in the early stages of its life , even from weaning , will influence its whole future behaviour .
28 The Japanese government was aware that putting up $3 billion to help Korea service its large foreign debt was going to be in the long-term interests of the many Japanese companies with investments and joint ventures in Korea .
29 The Canadian offshoot of de Havilland was formed in Toronto in 1928 to assemble and service their imported British products .
30 I 'll give them nice dry sense of humour , he thought savagely as he came out on to his floor and lumbered towards room 4038 , I 'll give them nice dry sense of humour and then some .
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