Example sentences of "[vb infin] [art] last [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We ordered so much we could n't eat the last dish they brought us , could n't even touch it .
2 I 'd like the words when they 're crytalised … since thefirst thing my daughter ( now 19months ) learned to do was the arm movements to ‘ ooh aah Cantona ’ , I suppose I should teach her something new … perhaps I 'll modify the last phrase though ; - )
3 Do you want the last link in , link in the chain ?
4 If that is difficult , mimic suprasegmentals first , and then see if the utterance can be divided into several parts so you can mimic the last part first , and then add to it bit by bit .
5 You 'd think the last occupant went bankrupt and left years ago .
6 The journey was long but pleasant , although I did not really enjoy the last leg from Kuala Lumpur to Perth .
7 She can enjoy the last freedom to be as she is ; her pursuits may seem strange , but after her death it may be discovered that her treasured collection — of old cups , pressed flowers , or newspaper cuttings — is quite priceless .
8 In the morning Miss Honey said to them , ‘ One or two of you did not particularly enjoy the last occasion when the Headmistress took the class , so let us all try to be especially careful and clever today .
9 I am afraid that I could not catch the last part of my hon. Friend 's question , but I agree with him about the importance that he attaches to the single market .
10 Alborne seemed content to sit on their eight-goal lead but , when four Whaddon players left the pitch with ten minutes to go so they could catch the last bus , it was too good an opportunity to miss , and Alborne finally ran out winners by eleven goals to nil .
11 Lombard 's Pictures may lack the last degree of individual characterisation , but at budget price this version can be given a warm welcome .
12 LIFESPAN will automatically display the last Issue in the current list as the start point for the next list .
13 LIFESPAN will automatically display the last Client in the current list as the start point for the next list .
14 LIFESPAN will automatically display the last Client in the current list as the start point for the next list .
15 LIFESPAN will automatically display the last package in the current list as the Start Package in the next list .
16 LIFESPAN will automatically display the last package in the current list as the Start Package in the next list .
17 LIFESPAN will automatically display the last Product in the current list as the start point for the next list .
18 TRAGIC Hillsborough coma victim Tony Bland may win a last right for brain-dead patients in Britain — the right to die .
19 We did n't even finish the last table .
20 The notice must specify the last date for proving which must be not less than twenty-one days after the date of the notice ( r 11.2(2) ) .
21 Children may repeat the last year if they are not ready to move up .
22 However , where the payment relates to work executed in two costing periods the accountant may choose the last period , the period when the majority of the work was undertaken , or split the payment between two cost periods .
23 With Michael Hue-Williams attempting the tricky task of renegotiating the terms of the lease on his first-floor gallery , there are fears that these works may comprise the last exhibition in his elegant space in Old Bond Street .
24 Meanwhile she had many friends who took up her cause : memorial concerts were given in Prague and Vienna ; she received a gratuity from the Elector of Cologne ; and the King of Prussia offered to purchase several compositions for 100 ducats each ( including the Requiem which Constanze made sure was ‘ completed ’ by Süssmayr so that she could collect the last instalment of money due from Count Walsegg ) .
25 ‘ I can do the last bit , ’ she said hastily , exerting a steely self-control .
26 A nice enough chap and he was knowledgeable in theory you see , but when it come to the practical experience and the practical doing of the work , he would just say , Well what did you do the last time Jimmy ?
27 He could n't do the last thing cos
28 Consumer spending has been driving the economy out of recession this year , but the recovery is patchy and the Chancellor will scrutinise the last detail of every economic statistic in the next month , before he decides whether he can risk raising taxes on November the Thirtieth .
29 All the while you were building this future I knew there 'd come a morning like this , when I 'd smile sadly as I left you , when I 'd give a last half wave at the corner , when I 'd set my face to the reality of the serious work ahead .
30 He could appreciate that a collection might become the last refuge and hope for survival of an endangered species , but the knowledge did little to modify his response ; apart from the dogs ' home where he 'd once been bought a sick puppy , it was one of the saddest places he knew .
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