Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 911 is the number you would dial for emergency in America hence the name of the program .
2 However much , therefore , we may feel with the later Romantics that Wordsworth was ‘ a political apostate ’ , his social interests will always remain as evidence of his humanity .
3 However , this does not mean that they will become invalid — they will remain as evidence of achievement in their own right .
4 It was also planned to rationalise operations in the UK , but Mr Heneaghan gave an assurance that Edinburgh , where his company employs five people , would remain as headquarters for the combined operation .
5 These hospitals would remain as part of the NHS , but would be given the freedom to run themselves .
6 Most of his contemporaries would have shrugged their shoulders and let it remain as part of the natural order of things .
7 Kohl had always had to cope with the personal problem of appearing lacklustre and undynamic , and in 1988 even close colleagues doubted whether he could remain as Chancellor for long .
8 The move follows the establishment of a branch office in Sofia earlier this month , and Frantzen will remain as head of local operations .
9 Mr Shute is assuming the chairmanship of Ross from Ross Marks , the company 's 37-year-old founder , who will remain as chairman of the consumer electronics operations and a director of the group .
10 In many ways , the issue of knowledge acquisition has been one that has separated the practicable representations of natural language semantics from those that can only remain as theories in textbooks .
11 Bush accepted the resignation " with reluctance , regret , and a sense of personal loss " , and announced that Sununu would remain as counsellor to the President with Cabinet rank until March 1992 , in order to assist with the transition of responsibilities to his successor .
12 But George Bartlett , QC , for the NGC , said : ‘ The inquiry 's time and cost would not be saved , because whether or not we express a preference for one of them , they will remain as alternatives before the secretary of State .
13 As for the speed of the machine I can not comment as lack of time with the machine did not allow us to perform our usual tests .
14 O.K. , if I insisted he would stay for dinner with Max tomorrow evening , and could I let him know what I was planning to cook as he would like to start working on the antidote .
15 He virtually commuted between London and Sydney , his Australian birthplace , where he would stay for months at a time with his parents , making award-winning films , before returning to London in his safari suit , sun-bleached and fit .
16 Mr Maxwell said that his alterations — which he would make for publication in his newspapers — were to substitute the term ombudsman for readers ' representatives and to widen the clause in the code of practice which refers to non-payment of criminals to include those benefiting from a criminal act .
17 This may make for difficulties in terms of care .
18 The first of these documents is likely to appear before any published part of the government 's review , and will amount to advice to government on what arrangements the government should make for R&D to best meet national needs Giving ACARD this job as a formal duty is a mark that the Council has established itself as a key body in reviewing and stimulating new industrial technologies .
19 Resentments may persist between members of staff who belonged to different unions , and in particular the goodwill between headteacher and staff seems in some places to have been almost irreparably damaged .
20 Such agreements have financial benefits as the cost of development is shared , but friction and disagreement can sometimes arise between members of the agreement .
21 However , it is argued that new inequalities would arise between patients with the resources and knowledge to seek care outside their district and patients without such resources and/or knowledge .
22 This is because most male clerks do not stay as clerks for all their working lives .
23 Valuation by a third party is one method the parties can stipulate for ascertainment of the price .
24 The community care reforms will produce a new kind of key worker who will organise and budget for packages of care : the care manager .
25 It 's the kind of environment I would want for visitors to London . ’
26 Those who are practising psychotherapy with older people have valuable experience which social workers can adapt for use in working with elderly clients .
27 Mhm so it would double as kind of a suit
28 In this paper it is on these dimensions as they can exist between sets of managers and workers ( as systems ) that I focus .
29 destroy the spirit of cooperation which should exist between members of the project team .
30 Ageing could evolve as part of an optimal life history .
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