Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adj] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 The glass canopy , dating from when the property was used as a garage , and the existing facade would remain intact but the building behind would be demolished and rebuilt .
2 Could that remain intact as the channel strives to keep advertisers happy ?
3 In other words these derelict monuments to Robert Maxwell 's empire will remain empty until the most profitable use can be found for them .
4 But if we now recall the alternative definition of democracy as popular power , or popular sovereignty , then it becomes clear that it can not be a democratic act for the people to vote away their own power and their own rights ; any more than if I freely renounce my freedom I can remain free because the renunciation was a free act .
5 And Broad and Wade do make clear that the frauds detected in science are opportunism , not some formal process of falsification — an important corrective to the public image of science as a rigorously self-verifying mechanism .
6 However , this procedure was not explicit to the readership , and only by adding an acknowledgement to the article could we make clear that the article had not been accepted just because the editor was an author .
7 I think also that we should make clear that the nature of the Tests this year is understood to be less threatening etc. etc .
8 [ It should be noted that the rule does not make clear that the form incorporates the notice . ]
9 When he let go of her , she fell back against the sideboard , clutching it for support , fighting for enough composure so that she could make some clever response that would make clear that the kiss had not disturbed her in the least .
10 It 's quite clear in in P P G three , paragraph eleven , that structure plans will make clear whether the housing provision figures include allowance from expected supply from conversions and changes of use , as well as from new building .
11 The order must make clear whether the time runs from the date of the order or from service thereof Van Houten v Foodsafe ( 1980 ) 12 SJ 277 .
12 To avoid problems the drafter should make clear whether the reference in the terms is to the definition current at the time of drafting or to the version in force from time to time .
13 A report in the weekly Moscow News did not make clear if the insurgents were Armenians or Azerbaijanis .
14 Independent control of water supplies to individual sections would facilitate this and the flexibility and effectiveness of the extinguishing system would be further improved if zones could be triggered by remote manual means linked into the automatic system and terminating at the same point as isolation valves and of venting controls .
15 We also expect the expert to inform us what is in our best interests , for how can we know this when the technical grounds for such judgements are , by definition , outside our competence .
16 13.2 Should the Proprietor for any reason whatsoever not prepare or fail to deliver each new edition then the Publisher shall be free to employ an alternative writer ( or writers ) to edit the work in such manner as the Publisher may consider appropriate and the Publisher will be entitled to deduct all or part of the remuneration payable to the alternative writer(s) from royalties payable to the Proprietor on that edition .
17 13.2 Should the Company for any reason whatsoever not procure the preparation of or fail to deliver each new edition then the Publisher shall be free to employ an alternative writer ( or writers ) to edit the work in such manner as the Publisher may consider appropriate and the Publisher will be entitled to deduct all or part of the remuneration payable to the alternative writer(s) from royalties payable to the Company on that edition .
18 The wetness of the rags does not accomplish much but the wood gets heated and the rags may insulate the hot wood and prevent it from cooling too quickly .
19 songs may have to be rewritten , particular studio engineers or producers may not be available when first required , band members may fall ill and the record company may delay the release of the album ‘ until the market is right ’ .
20 Gail Adshed , 18 , student ( right ) : ‘ I 'd buy all but the tights . ’
21 The metal would withstand all but the most concentrated laser fire .
22 More generally , Arrow ( 1984 ) calls it hidden information or hidden knowledge — the principal does not know all that the agent knows .
23 This stress on will — " loke what wil is for in al " ( 70r. – 205 ) — is an aspect of the concern he expresses in Mixed Life for the importance of a " continuel desire to God " and in Scale 1 ( 22.295b. – 95 ) for a " hole and a stable entencoun " to please God which must underly all that the anchoress does .
24 An established hebe may survive all but the worst winters , but a young plant may succumb to moderately severe weather .
25 Sage can be grown outdoors in cool , temperate climates in spite of its provenance , and will survive all but the coldest winters , provided the soil is well-drained , and the plant has been well-ripened as a result of growing in a sunny position .
26 From the United States of America , however , comes a genus which will survive all but the coldest of winters and provide that long season of colour which makes the half hardy perennials such a popular group of garden plants .
27 Though yeah they wo n't trust more than the once .
28 He hopes to show that , although we can not know quite what the former say we can , nevertheless we can still know more than the latter allow .
29 Only rarely do plans consider more than the simple spatial attributes of the housing stock .
30 Which towns will need more than the average number of ( i ) schools and ( ii ) hospitals and nursing homes ?
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