Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] the government " in BNC.

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1 What do you think about the government ?
2 In the end I agreed to do this but I remember leaving the meeting literally , I am afraid , in tears and saying that although I would obey the majority I would resign from the Government afterwards as quietly as I could because I should have failed to uphold an almost lifelong conviction …
3 The mutineers , all members of an elite scout-ranger regiment , marched to a nearby army camp , defiantly saying that they did not surrender to the government .
4 The mutineers , all members of an elite scout-ranger regiment , marched to a nearby army camp , defiantly saying that they did not surrender to the government .
5 In order to perform well , we must demonstrate to the Government a successful track record of increasing output from our plant and of reducing costs .
6 It came on a day of positive signs for the British economy , with the Bank of England saying it thought inflation would remain below the Government 's target of 4 per cent for the next two years , and cautious indications of a pick-up in high street spending .
7 Do you think the what do you think of the government
8 Makwetu declared that the PAC would not negotiate with the government before a constituent assembly had been elected .
9 ‘ Payment on 31 March 1989 : The payment would still appear in the Government 's accounts for 1988/89 but would appear in your 1989 accounts .
10 The word Maastricht wo n't appear in the Government motion for Wednesday 's Commons debate on Europe .
11 However , those who really need help , including all first-time buyers , will benefit from the Government 's give-away .
12 We are just as determined that people in Northern Ireland should benefit from the Government 's reforms , including fund-holding practices , and therefore they will be introduced at the earliest possible date .
13 The nearby Dorman Museum will also benefit from the Government cash with an extension to be built to house an exhibition area , tearoom , shop and education resource centre .
14 The finance officer will also offer advice on the revenue the authority can expect from the government and from the council tax on various assumptions .
15 The sterling crisis was a natural consequence of trying to maintain domestic demand without import controls ; the investors ' strike was due to unease about the social changes , including the effects of rapid inflation , which it was feared would result from the government 's restoration of full employment .
16 We want the Government to think carefully and respond positively to our recommendations , because we are anxious that the rate of increase in the Budget from now on should not be jacked up by the powerful lobby of the industry and the influence that it can exert on the Government .
17 He said that to " accuse to the government of fostering violence [ was ] an insult " and maintained that most of the violence was the result of ethnic and political conflict between ANC supporters and those of the mainly Zulu Inkatha Freedom Party .
18 Now , we can not speak to the government , but we can speak to you . ’
19 Major Fairfax will speak to the government . ’
20 ( d ) Party ties are less strong in committee and defeats do occur for the Government .
21 ‘ You 'll never work for the government again .
22 He would look after the government on as much of a care and maintenance basis as circumstances permitted , deciding only urgent matters and then only with Cabinet consent if this were possible .
23 Mr Crowther is pressing for a judicial review of the whole Department of Transport that would look into the government 's road policy .
24 We are pleased to see that at least the Labour Party now are deciding that they can at last work with the Government .
25 As the hon. Gentleman said , the opinions of chief fire officers will obviously weigh with the Government .
26 The Labour group will keep within the government capping limits , obviously we will , and therefore the council tax increase is getting no more than about four percent , so you ca n't claim all this growth is gon na , well it certainly ca n't count all this growth is going to er , with this ma , massive increase in Council Tax .
27 What it most certainly is not , is ownership by national or local public authority : and because it does not look to the Government as its banker and so imposes no liability on the public sector borrowing requirement , it provides no levers for a hypothetical State economic planning agency to handle .
28 For example , government departments must look to the Government Internal Audit Manual ( HM Treasury , 1988 ) .
29 On that basis I hope that we can look to the Government to ensure that recommendation 30 of the Cullen report is implemented simultaneously .
30 ‘ This will rebound on the Government and their difficulties have only just started . ’
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