Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] about [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't ever want to write about it again …
2 What will they want to know about me ?
3 After all , people do n't want to know about me , but about my books . ’
4 You can tell him anything he could possibly want to know about me . ’
5 They drank and Scholz asked bluntly : ‘ What did you want to know about her ? ’
6 ‘ My father does n't want to know about you .
7 ‘ I do n't want to know about it ; I do n't choose to discuss it ; I do n't admit it ! ' ’
8 I did n't want to know about it .
9 I just do n't want to know about it , that 's not through money , that 's just through , y'know , f— , who cares . ’
10 Now , when I do something , I have to think what Bill Whyte would want to know about it and how can I explain it .
11 I shall want to know about it .
12 Mr Harvey does want to know about it if she goes into Lexington — that 's our nearest town — but then someone has to drive her there and back , so she 's never without an escort .
13 Christ , I do n't want to know about it myself .
14 ‘ Yes , but he does n't want to know about it .
15 That 's right , I mean , again , it 's one of those things , it 's in the benefits package , if you work for a company , you do n't want to know about it until you need to claim .
16 I do n't want to know about it Rick .
17 What do you want to know about it ?
18 ‘ You two do n't want to worry about me , ’ I said .
19 ‘ I do n't want to worry about you gettin' yourself mixed up with gypsies . ’
20 I think , I think I 'll need to see about it myself .
21 ‘ I 've already told you that you do n't need to worry about me , Kate .
22 I do n't need to worry about you .
23 Look , you do n't need to worry about it — at your age the council will give you something if you ca n't find anything yourself …
24 If you make babies in test tubes then er , you know , the rest of us do n't need to worry about it .
25 On the other hand , if there is someone in his past who still has a place in his heart , you do need to know about it before you can deal with it .
26 Given that the homework routine of different schools varies , what can the anxious parent do to make sure that their child is getting enough , and what do they need to know about it , if anything ?
27 The problems were , was that the schools , since they were doing this , they assumed that all schools did this , therefore they did n't need to talk about it , they did n't need to tell them about it .
28 ‘ We were concerned last night , ’ said George , ‘ with the question of what Mr Hambro could possibly have blundered into , to make it essential that he should not survive to talk about it .
29 Well we 'll shall wait , we shall wait to hear about it , cos it , I do n't see there was anything there was there ?
30 People can enjoy reading about you even if they do n't like your music and if enough of them do , it improves your chances of more coverage the next time you need it .
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