Example sentences of "[to-vb] [that] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 In this case the treatment team may have to accept that the best it can offer is long-term support and encouragement , with treatment sessions being non-contingent on repeats .
2 While welcoming my right hon. Friend 's reply , may I ask him to accept that the best training for Royal Navy reservists is with the regular Navy and will he give that priority in the coming operations for the Royal Naval Reserve ?
3 At £25,000 he wo n't be secreted under everybody 's egg cosy at breakfast on Easter morning , but it is good to know that the best is there if you can afford it .
4 It 's good to know that the easiest snack in the world — baked beans on ( wholemeal ) toast is also doing you good and not costing much in money or preparation time .
5 He will be pleased to know that the latest report of the railway inspectorate on railway safety showed a modest reduction in the number of collisions between passenger trains in 1990 compared with the previous year .
6 At this stage , it was also important to establish that the best results would be achieved if a critical and constructive approach was adopted .
7 I was surprised , yet strangely pleased , to discover that the worst seller so far on the exemplary , semi-underground techno label Network has been ‘ Mood ’ / ‘ Science of Numbers ’ / ‘ Tear Drops of Yesterday ’ by Symbols And Instruments .
8 Napoleon was to find that the best roads in Europe could not create a European market .
9 Kent was the major producer and consumer of gold jewellery and it is not surprising to find that the greatest number of coins is found there also , often mounted on suspension loops and worn on necklaces .
10 At present it is only possible to guess that the largest of the villas , such as Woodchester , Bignor and North Leigh may have been owner occupied .
11 It is odd to reflect that the firmest objective record of what we experienced now lies in the films — themselves mere illusory genii of chemicals and light , bound to 400-foot reels of processed trees and silver .
12 Hundreds more will follow , prompting Mr Hildesheimer to suggest that the best commemoration would be not to perform Mozart at all until next year , so that everyone could realise what they had been missing .
13 So ‘ bureaucratic ’ pluralism has been used by some in recognizing the more important role of Japanese civil servants ; this has been further qualified as ‘ bureaucratic-inclusionary ’ pluralism to suggest that the widest possible range of citizen consultation is used to assess the national interest .
14 IT may surprise many theatre-goers to hear that the latest production by 7:84 Theatre Company is Sophocles 's Antigone .
15 When there is an opportunity during training for the pilot to decide whether or not a situation is safe , they must be taught to assume that the worst will happen , and then to assess whether there is a risk or not .
16 The auction houses employ considerable skill to ensure that the best possible prices are obtained for their clients , but all the same , a good eye and a well-stocked memory may still outwit their expertise .
17 Through the successive phases of his career — at Gainsborough , Gaumont-British and then at his own Ealing Studios — he was to show that his talent lay in finding the most talented people available , giving them the best context to work in , inspiring and stimulating their efforts and intervening where necessary to ensure that the best possible film came out of the production process .
18 It is in the interest of the senior staff to ensure that the best nursing care is given , and that the learner is safe and reliable .
19 The profession , in whatever capacity its members act , has a powerful responsibility to ensure that the best quality responses to the ASB 's proposals are made in a spirit of constructive criticism .
20 The counsellor should become fully acquainted with as much relevant knowledge and information in as many professional spheres as possible , and use that knowledge in an attempt to ensure that the best possible treatment and care for the counsellee is obtained .
21 In fact , however , Dworkin 's rather rigid division of labour , and the inflexible institutional framework in which it operates appears ill-equipped to ensure that the best or fairest policy decisions are reached , particularly during a time of rapid political economic and social change .
22 As a consequence off-duty rotas should be monitored to ensure that the best use is being made of staff available .
23 Oracle have stressed that , although their campaign began firmly under the umbrella of the RAF , any steps would be taken to ensure that the best crew is provided with the best resources to gain selection for the British team and become top Two Tonner at the Admiral 's Cup .
24 Obviously , the purpose is to ensure that the best possible pensions arrangements are reached .
25 Do we not owe it to community charge payers in each of those areas to ensure that the best value is obtained for their money and that they get the most efficient service ?
26 To ensure that the best return is achieved for the taxpayer , it is our normal policy to offer property not needed by the services for sale on the open market .
27 The quality of our people have to be second to none and so our only asset would again be sensible to ensure that the best people , that we recruited the best people and we retained the best people and we wanted to be profitable , wanted to be lean and mean , hungry and er any profitable organisation is going to be a better organisation as a result of improved profitability and we then finally wanted to improve the quality of our image out there in the market place , we were seen and at least that was I think the Department , certainly my perception we were seen er as being a sort of gentle giant out there .
28 Clearly , if we want to deliver long-term reductions in tobacco consumption , we need to ensure that the smallest possible number of children — preferably none — take up the tobacco habit .
29 These will be granted by the professional bodies in the UK to appropriate actuaries to ensure that the highest standards will continue to prevail .
30 In the short term it proposes increased monitoring to ensure that the highest standards of pesticide use are maintained .
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