Example sentences of "[to-vb] [that] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Foreign investors are beginning to worry that the Mexican peso is less solid than it looks .
2 All of this leads Fred and Beth to worry that the fatal combination of an explosion of ‘ free time ’ with a booming global market in consumer goods and leisure industries will spell the death of their great utopian dream that they have cherished for so long — individual self-realization , mutuality in work and levelling out of global economic inequalities .
3 Forward scouts came back to inform that the English might had reached Cheswick , a mere six miles to the south , and its vanguard would be before Berwick in a few hours .
4 It provided that in civil or commercial matters a judicial authority of a Contracting State might , in conformity with the provisions of its legislation , communicate by letter rogatory with the competent authority of another Contracting State in order to request that the latter should , within its jurisdiction , effect either an examination ( un acte d'instruction ) or other judicial acts ( actes judiciaires ) .
5 You also need to accept that the perfect horse has not yet been born .
6 In this case the treatment team may have to accept that the best it can offer is long-term support and encouragement , with treatment sessions being non-contingent on repeats .
7 While welcoming my right hon. Friend 's reply , may I ask him to accept that the best training for Royal Navy reservists is with the regular Navy and will he give that priority in the coming operations for the Royal Naval Reserve ?
8 Vested interests were reluctant to accept that the typical diet was a cause of coronary heart disease , strokes and cancer , and that people should eat less fat , sugar and salt and more cereals , fruit and vegetables .
9 Such was the strength of feeling in the Lords that the Conservative Government was forced to accept that the existing councillors should remain in office until these authorities came to an end .
10 I think we had to accept that the first programmes were just to get the whole thing working really erm .
11 The experts have only to accept that the joint sessions also used groups of models kitted-out for each occasion by Rembrandt from his well stocked theatrical wardrobe and used them for painting as well as for drawing , to come to realize that their efforts over the last seventy years have been largely misdirected .
12 When in the fullness of immense periods of time , emerging man found that he needed a ‘ god ’ , and a logical conception of ‘ good ’ and ‘ evil ’ , he had no alternative but to accept that the countless millions of operations which make up the law of the ‘ survival of the fittest ’ , had necessarily to be designated either ‘ good ’ , if they furthered the cause , or completely disregarded if they did not .
13 The theologians ' determination to rest their faith on something more secure than history has made them more than willing , in many circumstances , to accept that the historical evidence of Jesus ' life is as patchy as the most sceptical secular historian says it is .
14 At the same time , we may have to accept that the National Curriculum finally forces us to address the question of how far the polarization of the discourse , and the adopting of classroom strategies which celebrate something called ‘ process ’ at the expense of content , may both stem in part from a posture of defensiveness in the face of the problem of the primary class teacher 's curriculum knowledge .
15 Without such explanation , of course , it makes it difficult to accept that the same things really are taking place in the different spheres .
16 Interviewed later on BBC Newsnight he refused to accept that the German election results invalidated the case for introducing PR in Britain .
17 First , it is hard to accept that the subsequent payments figure reflects what the organization ‘ cost ’ to run during the year .
18 But it is not prepared to accept that the mathematical models developed to explain the phenomenon are sufficiently proven .
19 While I am in agreement with the opinion that during recent rugby contests involving England and France many irresponsible and regrettable actions have been carried out by individuals , I refuse to accept that the French players are always the villains and that the English team are as innocent as the colour of their jersey suggests .
20 Since we believe that all variations in behavioural capacity reflect underlying variations in the nervous system , we have to accept that the human brain is , in some way , different from that of other species .
21 I am unable to accept that the supposed reductio ad adsurdum is a sufficient ground for reading into the Act a qualification which is not there .
22 For the post-war generations in the developed nations reared on the statistics of economic and social improvement , it will not be easy to accept that the twenty-first century threatens humanity with hard times and lowered standards of living .
23 Social historians might want to know that the average phone in the US was used for twenty minutes a day in 1992 , whereas the average phone in the UK was used for only four minutes .
24 He was glad to know that the tall languorous one was n't about .
25 On the one hand one rather likes to find examples of animals helping each other , out of a confused feeling that it will somehow strengthen human motives for altruism to know that the lower creation can be altruistic too .
26 It is sufficient to know that the immediate danger from the rear has been cancelled out .
27 ‘ I happen to know that the late Mr Tuckett was very close to Ms Scarrott . ’
28 Irish men — and women — not a few of them , but Cara had been long enough in Frizingley to know that the Irish had no monopoly on starvation , that good , solid Englishmen , handloom weavers , for instance , on the tramp for work and farm labourers from the south who had lost their farms due to land enclosures , could do it just as easily .
29 ‘ The poor doctor was n't to know that the great piece of bone sticking out was supplied by the local butcher . ’
30 At £25,000 he wo n't be secreted under everybody 's egg cosy at breakfast on Easter morning , but it is good to know that the best is there if you can afford it .
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