Example sentences of "[to-vb] [Wh det] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When we have to compare the values of numbers it is important to know which has the greatest , and which has the least value .
2 Jenkins intends to survey all health authorities and SSDs to discover which has a policy on elder abuse and which actually has a nominated person to deal with complaints .
3 A historian concerned to reconstruct the life of Abraham as exactly as possible wants to know what changes the story of Abraham went through in the process of retelling .
4 I want to know what caused the amnesia . ’
5 Smalltown Heroes EP IT 'S a little tricky to know what to call the ‘ shooters as after 600 gigs under their current name the hard-working Sunderland band are becoming the Smalltown Heroes .
6 Since it may take many hours to establish what influences the activity of a single cell , this is a far from trivial issue .
7 Air accident investigators are now trying to establish what caused the crash .
8 Experts are still attempting to establish what caused the filly to test positive to a banned substance after her 40-length defeat by Indian Quest at Kempton last month , for which she started 6-4 favourite .
9 Investigators are still attempting to establish what caused the Martin Pipe-trained hurdler Her Honour to fail a dope test after her flop at Kempton last month .
10 Perhaps the most interesting is to discover what keeps the size of the population within such narrow bounds from year to year .
11 It takes time to discover what subjects a particular client will respond to .
12 It studied a big selection of firms from a single industry — machine-tool making in western Germany — in an attempt to discover what makes the sheep sheep , and goats goats .
13 THE OBSESSION with winning and the determination to find what makes a man tick come under the spotlight , as Paul Newman 's boozy pool-shark Eddie Felson sets his sights on Jackie Gleason 's Minnesota Fat 's crown .
14 Over £800 has been donated to ALERT which supports the Bosnian refugees at present in Horsforth .
15 It is the system of requiring leave to appeal which rations the case load of the House of Lords and filters out cases for attention which involve issues of supervision .
16 And I also have a bunch of instruments that I might try out in a song ; you get to know what each one will do , but you still have to try two or three to see which has the best voice for the tune . ’
17 You need to experiment , lighting from above , or below or straight on , to see which gives the best effect .
18 These can now be matched against the various product on the market to see which provides a viable solution .
19 While some capitalist societies may practise an extreme individualism , it is surely only a Romantic tendency to dichotomize which denies the possibility of this characteristic to all other societies .
20 A statement of identical syntax to INPUT which uses a new line for each item to be input .
21 The age-old idea of the sexual union as a death comes literally true in the impulse to kill which thrusts a man into a new world of horror .
22 She opened a rejuvenation clinic and for the next 30 years many thousands of people flocked to receive what became the most famous , or perhaps , notorious , ‘ rejuvenatory ’ treatment of the century .
23 ( With the Russian law on state secrets still in draft form , a presidential decree of Jan. 14 , 1992 , had reintroduced Soviet criteria to define what constituted a state secret . )
24 Over the past century , there have been ideological pressures — expressed , among other ways , through public policies — to define what constitutes a ‘ proper ’ family , and to encourage people to live in these units .
25 The High Court is being asked to define what constitutes a genuine gypsy .
26 Moreover , it is impossible to define what constitutes the ‘ appropriate ’ proportion of time which a 5-year-old , or a 7- or 11-year-old , should spend on task in a school day of some five and a half hours .
27 Is it possible to define what makes a good parent ?
28 Before they had the motorcycles they had to walk which meant a lot of travelling time and then less time at the , each village when they arrived .
29 The simultaneous administration of two treatments makes it difficult to differentiate which induced the response .
30 ‘ How curious , Oliver , to identify what gives a fruit its character , and then to remove it . ’
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