Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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31 What would you advise the new actor or the student to concentrate on in terms of auditioning ?
32 I mean , you can do that in various ways , by inviting them all to come along , you know , have a Saturday down at , invite them to come along as representatives of the organizations and talk with the parish council
33 For our event at Crystal Palace this year we plan to change the format to try and encourage you all to come along in droves !
34 Three million acres or more of Britain 's countryside ca n't be left to tumble down to nettles , bracken , Oxford ragwort and rosebay willow herb , punctuated by leisure centres and car parks .
35 because people have to come in on meetings so these people h
36 Or or indeed does Mr want to come in on vacancies ?
37 She was employed by the parish for twelve hours a week and her nominal duties were to come in on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays , clean the flat , wash and spin dry any linen or articles in the soiled linen basket , and prepare and leave for him a simple lunch on a tray .
38 Because she said she do n't want to come in on nights .
39 Even though we spent that money we are projected to come in with balances of three million pounds in excess of the budget figure set by the Conservatives , and that is a six million pounds difference that 's come straight out of the twenty-four and I think it tells us two things .
40 She used to come in with friends , occasionally , to have a drink and that all together .
41 While I was having lunch soldiers from the local garrison used to come in for snacks .
42 ‘ But although he 's been a key force for them , we have to remember that they have a number of good jumpers ready to come in as replacements .
43 However , reports of severe damage and high casualty figures began to come in from communities situated closer to the ‘ quake 's epicentre , and they learned that the emergency services were bringing many of the most badly injured victims in to the capital .
44 Apple Computer Inc , as reported briefly and bittily , since news of these playing away launches tends to come in in dribs and drabs , used the Cebit computer fair in Hannover as the occasion to launch three new Apple Workgroup Servers , along with AppleSearch , its new information access and retrieval service for Mac workgroups .
45 Professor Eloff ( Northern Transvaal ) is representing Dr Danie Craven , who has run South African rugby for more than 30 years and is about to stand down on grouds of age and health .
46 24 , said : ‘ They agreed to stand in as headliners at the last minute .
47 It is not surprising then that the earliest women to enter politics did so as ‘ surrogate ’ males , to stand in for husbands or fathers ( see the case of Nancy , Lady Astor ) or that no ‘ monstrous regiment ’ of women was waiting to overwhelm men in the battle for parliamentary seats .
48 He still liked to come down for meals but often could n't last out and would leave his food and return .
49 No , not precisely I , I was a bit too young then , I , I remember all the songs about her Amy wonderful Amy and all those and oh and when she married Jim I was very much in but I could n't actually say I remembered her crashing at Walsall The erm you could , yeah , when I came home from work one Monday afternoon my nan said this eighty eight had gone over very low , and we , we heard that they 'd dropped this landmine this same aircraft had dropped this landmine that had gone under the gas holder at the gas works , in Road and the , they had some rescue workers from the A R P to get it out they never even bothered calling for the Royal Engineers , but the situation was that landmines used to come down on parachutes , and they used to slide into places which were inaccessible but anyway , they relied on the local Walsall A R P to get them out .
50 Then lie suggested that they might get Arthur Pugh , the moderate leader of the steelworkers who was that year 's chairman of the TUC , to come down to Chequers for tea and an exploratory talk .
51 ‘ When you start underwater diving , you learn not to jump in without solutions .
52 And he 's asking viewers to write in with things that get right up their noses .
53 Perhaps your readers would then like to write in with suggestions for improvements .
54 Because these very moderate policies have allowed the peasants to come through with actions which in effect mean land reform and we need to get back in control of that .
55 Over a period of ten days I spent a lot of energy and seemed to come through with colours flying .
56 In this case the soil tends to come off in flakes .
57 Companies in future will be able to write off against taxes only the first $1 million of what they pay any director or executive .
58 When I retired four years ago , I decided I would like to help and encourage other people to paint , and hopefully get as much pleasure form the hobby as I do , and since that time I have been able to meet up with groups of friends and pass on to them the knowledge I have gained through the pages of your magazine .
59 In the evenings it was nice to meet up with friends in one of the Club 's bars to discuss stories of the day before wandering into the restaurant to indulge in the delicious hot and cold buffet , washed down with free wine .
60 Before the 1987 General Election he had a stand-up row over defence policy with Lord Callaghan , the former Labour Prime Minister , in the House of Commons tea-room , and he has been known to square up to Tories who have enraged him .
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