Example sentences of "[to-vb] [vb pp] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 A Buddhist monk named Wong Kwang is said to have originated the five principles that form the basis of taekwondo .
2 It would have been interesting to have seen the two films together .
3 She 's since sung Pamina , Zerlina and Despina under Barenboim in Paris and , before the axe fell on the conductor 's brief reign at the Bastille , was to have done the three Da Ponte pieces with him and Patrice Chereau .
4 He was fortunate enough to have secured the nineteen forty volume of short stories from his local library .
5 This account is now generally accepted , although some historians still suggest that Elizabeth herself would have preferred to have reintroduced the 1549 Prayer Book , had she been able to enlist any support for this move from her lay and clerical advisers at court .
6 He 'd , I think he would have liked to have gone the four hour trip over I did n't think you 'd like that .
7 Nevertheless , Irwin appears to have reconciled the two to his own satisfaction , though the arguments to which he resorted owed more to the theological aptitude displayed in his youthful biography of Keble than to ordinary practical intelligence .
8 Webber is believed to have refined the four characters , devised by Newman , into the essential dipolar structure by which most long-running serials operate , namely conflict .
9 Kim Il Sung 's most astonishing achievement is to have survived the 47 years since he was put in charge of the North by Stalin when Korea was divided in 1945 .
10 To have lost the 1987 election could be forgiven ; it provided the final catalyst for Labour 's long-drawn out policy reform .
11 Certainly the August cover image is likely to have prompted the three votes received for the king vulture .
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