Example sentences of "[to-vb] [det] for a " in BNC.

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1 I would like to see that for a disabled applicant , but nevertheless , for a registered disabled applicant , and we can make special provision for the training of er , under represented groups .
2 Okay you wo n't need to know that for a long time yet anyway will you .
3 It is not sufficient for example to establish that for a given country inside the union exports and/or imports rise after integration .
4 Sorry for the long letter , but I 've been itching to write this for a long time .
5 That is a question I am afraid that is impossible to answer at this stage , that wo n't be known until he 's had a thorough investigation by the surgeons at the hospital who er probably wo n't be able to answer that for a day or two yet .
6 In 1845 he started a wholesale grocery business in Liverpool , and later a printing business ; hard work and a good business sense allowed him to sell these for a small fortune in 1856 .
7 It seems possible to suggest that for a sultan already disposed toward examining and reorganizing the institutions of state , pride in his newly-built medreses , as well as simply the fact of their existence , might well have acted as a strong spur to him to impose some sort of order upon and , implicitly , control over-the learned institution .
8 I used to buy that for a ha'penny .
9 For a few minutes she explained the system on which the cards were arranged , then let him try to select some for a bibliography she was compiling on nutrition in underdeveloped countries .
10 So now , I want you to use that for a full month , and come back up , and let us know how things are doing .
11 You 're allowed to do that for a bit , as long as you finally discern that petomania is not a profession .
12 Erm if they , if you 've got a heavy mortgage , and I 'm not suggesting that many of you will have a heavy mortgage , it 's not a bad thing when you 're retiring to fix a rate , because we 've not been able to do that for a long time .
13 Right and I want you to plan to do that for a call tonight in order to what you would say to this sort of person all right ?
14 I 'm afraid we 're just going to have to weather this for a while , and gloat twice as much when we turn the tables .
15 It is a good idea to do this for a few more days before the horse travels .
16 Friends may refrain from expressing any sympathy because they feel that it might be inappropriate and embarrassing for her , and she may be feeling that people will regard her as a hypocrite if she gives way and weeps , although she may need to do this for a variety of reasons , one of them being not so much for what she has lost , but for what she never had .
17 It was more practicable to do this for a district or industry , since firm-by-firm bargaining was precluded for want of suitable union organisation to bring together all employees at the workplace .
18 They need to do this for a number of reasons , which include : * identifying the characteristics and attributes of customers and market segments ; * developing and positioning products and services which are appropriate to customer needs and purchasing patterns ; * maximising sales penetration potential through distribution and retail channels ; * focusing the most cost-effective promotional activity ( advertising , exhibitions , sponsorship etc ) as accurately as possible on target market segments .
19 You did n't need to do this for a laugh !
20 Marianne appeared to consider that for a moment , then nodded .
21 He seemed to consider that for a few seconds and then replied , ‘ Maria Luisa needed me around . ’
22 There are often , among the competitors , girls from Eastern Bloc or otherwise under-privileged countries who have been brought up to believe that a monumental talent requires total dedication , who have been told that great minds do not fuss about small externals , who have been led to suppose that for a great genius to be a plain Jane is only appropriate .
23 ‘ It shows that the public is beginning to realise that for a few pounds spent on car security they can protect their second most expensive purchase , ’ he said .
24 ‘ It shows that the public is beginning to realise that for a few pounds spent on car security they can protect their second most expensive purchase . ’
25 Sir , — My first reaction on reading the reader 's question , ‘ No tea with the taxman ’ ( ACCOUNTANCY , October , p 80 ) , was one of hilarity that a member should feel it necessary to complain that for a meeting lasting as long as ‘ about two hours ’ the member and client were not offered refreshments .
26 She 's only supposed to take that for a week at a time Tom .
27 Let me just it 's nothing special , it 's only a circle , but if you were to take that for a , as , as an example if you like as a picture of God 's purposes for us , you see the circle is , is , geometrical it 's , it 's , it 's perfect , there is nothing that is odd about it , there is nothing er , there 's no difference about it , it is perfect and that was God 's purpose and God 's plan for you and for me , that our , that our time , our being should be perfect in , in harmony with him , you think of all the things in your life personally , and then think of all the things in the , in the life of your com of our community , those things that mar it , those things that spoil it , those things that stop today be the perfect day for you that 's not God 's purpose for you they 've all come as a product , a direct result of sin , it was n't how God intended it , it was n't how God made it , his plan , his purpose for you and for me was to live and to dwell together with him in perfect harmony for ever , and there
28 I 've been meaning to say this for a long time , ’ said Susan , with an assumption of severity which moved her sister to ribald mirth .
29 I 've been wanting to say this for a long time . ’
30 No-one , for example , could be found to bid enough for a rare walnut cabinet , its nine drawers covered with sculpted bone and ivory plates and plaques decorated with polychrome enamel plates , bought in at FFr 160,000 .
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