Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Someone in the audience has asked me to greet them the way the chimpanzees greet each other in the wild at Gombe , ’ Jane Goodall began .
2 He strode to her , eyes blazing , and shouted , ‘ Why did you specifically come to see me the minute you found out I had my own investment bank ? ’
3 I 've had them born in the car on the way the the mother have come to see me the father has brought her to see me thinking that if she could just see me she 'd be alright .
4 it 's kind of you all to spare me the time . ’
5 ‘ It 's not on at all for a brother-in-law to treat me the way you treat me .
6 You certainly did n't seem to like me the way I was ! ’
7 With no television to distract them the family formed their own orchestra , and often visited jails for services and concerts .
8 We are delivered onto the twenty-second floor with an incessant warning pong-pong-pong sound which is supposed to inform you the door has opened .
9 You need to know either the landlord or the tenant and , more important , he needs to know you before he can be expected to grant you the right to work on his land .
10 ‘ It is the agency 's responsibility to find you the type of work you have indicated that you are interested in .
11 I want to know you the way no man has ever known a woman before . ’
12 Lothlórien has won many hearts , and even the most censorious of Tolkien 's critics have accordingly been ready to grant him the ability to create nice settings .
13 Edward undertook to place a force of 600 men at the duke 's disposal and to grant him the earldom of Richmond , to which his family had an ancient claim and which John of Gaunt relinquished for the purpose .
14 Charles II managed to induce the Barbados assembly to grant him the revenue forever from a tax of 4½ per cent of the value of all sugar exported from the island , and the Leeward Islands settled on the same terms and were briefly united under the same governor as Barbados .
15 You 'll have to take a good swim to find him the night , over to Holland , I 'd say .
16 In the circumstances the degree of kinship was sufficiently close to secure him the support he required .
17 But a boardroom vote of six to one in favour was not enough to secure him the position .
18 Yet , unable to refuse the implied reproach , Celia sat down in the antique rocking chair she had bought and allowed Miss Maynard to pass her the child .
19 Where we might have expected him to grant her the respect of verse , he goes on in the same business-like prose : ‘ How now , Kate ?
20 Has the company appeared to escort him the rest of the way ?
21 Surtees was a good choice , but I never got to know him the way I did Graham Hill , Jackie Stewart and Pedro Rodriguez .
22 in order to get them , in order to get them to come , surely you 've got to sell them the idea that they 're going to get something useful out of it
23 He could n't actually tell me what was going on because that would put him in shtuck but he was trying to tip me the wink .
24 Whatever our conscious reasons ( ’ No , I want to remember him/her the way he/she was ' or ‘ Not in front of the children ’ ) , a dead body is not considered to be spectacle for display in Britain , and the rationale which dictates it can sometimes disguise feelings of embarrassment that such a thing could occur in our death-defying , well-regulated households .
25 The Act emphasises the crucial importance of support for those carers , and without strategies to empower them the Act can not work .
26 I 've asked 'em to sell me the land so I can develop it but they wo n't see sense .
27 Deputed to get his own disguise , he went off fuming to a wig shop : ‘ And the lady started to go through all kinds of salesmanship to sell me the wig and if I wanted to swim , I did n't want to swim , and I 'm sitting there knowing that this meeting is going to start very soon and I can not — lady , let's get on with it , I do n't give a damn , just give me a wig . ’
28 ‘ You want to sell me the wig back ?
29 I suggest you visit your local ‘ Deli ’ which should be able to sell you the type that come with edible snails !
30 If I do n't persuade my father to sell you the club , you 'll manufacture enough fake information to make the police suspicious enough to close me down ? ’
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