Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Went to see them the other week
2 She came to see me the first night I was home , and we sat on the verandah , rather tongue-tied after such a long time , saying stupid things like : " Did you have a good trip ? "
3 He came to see me the other evening .
4 I had someone come to see me the other week from the R S P C A because they said this cat was held forty foot in the air
5 The frictions grew steadily worse , and in an attempt to accommodate them the 1897 Vienna Congress resolved that the party become a federation of six national parties .
6 they 'd take a piece with them and that was all they had to sustain them the whole day .
7 The prints spilled on to the carpet and as Sabine bent to retrieve them the young boy 's face seemed to glare directly up at her , challenging and inimical .
8 We also decided that Mike would have to take every third day off to recover , while Christophe continued to follow the chimps , so that he and Mike would know where to find them the following day .
9 Well , we deal with a wide range of different groups , and erm we 've got to produce a best advice list , and er we try to find you the best contract available in the market .
10 If he 's trying to find you the cheapest
11 A peek through the window showed that the taxi had arrived , brief farewells were made to the men , and Karl left , promising to ring them the next day and making mock threats to Erika and Paul should they forget to meet him the following Sunday .
12 He instructed me to meet him the next day at the Turkman Gate , soon after dawn .
13 They moved on after that , with Jessica dropping in bits about Parr as they occurred to her — although not that she was due to meet him the next day .
14 Even if the opponent plays him false twenty times , the Satyagrahi is ready to trust him the twenty-first time , for an implicit trust in human nature is the very essence of the creed .
15 A note from Bartram in 1745 seems to imply a slight difference of opinion as his account of some American pines had been questioned : ‘ But as I have great opinion of Miller 's learning and judgement , I am engaged in duty and friendship to inform him the best I can . ’
16 The company collapsed , the ITA had to re-advertise the contract in July 1955 , and the ABPC film company , one-third owned by the American Warner Brothers , was persuaded firmly to accept it the very day before ITV started in London .
17 I wan na try it with one of these three , twenty three hour systems , supposed to work it the last
18 The final barrier to its operation came after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Soviet Union , when the North-Rhine Westphalia administration responded to intensified local concern by refusing to grant it the required license to operate .
19 ‘ You set up this whole thing deliberately , just to cause me the maximum amount of aggravation , did n't you ?
20 They really do stand a better chance being left there to their own devices for the parents to feed them the right diet than being picked up and brought here .
21 With that she saw me off with an invitation to visit her the next day after school but that I was to tell my parents in case they were worried where I was .
22 She was very much as she had expected to be , having found in her marriage nothing to surprise her nor to cause her the least distress .
23 Loss of manuscripts or illustrations seem to cause him the greatest concern .
24 It was such an important discovery that the Mayor and Corporation were persuaded to inspect it the following afternoon and the whole village turned out to wait for them .
25 Alison also likes 60s music ( too young to remember it the first time around ) and buying things for her home .
26 While the rest of the card world attempts to move on by using humour or Snoopy dogs to sell us the festive season , charity Christmas cards remain as old-fashioned , tedious and unimaginative as they have always been .
27 We had a fast and uneventful run to Stornoway where the new propeller was fitted but , to my horror , in the haste to re-launch us the same prop .
28 With the upstart Parsons that margin was as wide as a motorway , of course , but even Thomas Carter , Nature 's gentleman , could n't help getting it ever so slightly wrong , in his case by bending over backwards to minimize his achievements and rubbish his accomplishments in order to spare you the painful comparison with your own lacklustre status .
29 It was marvellous to see you the other day after so many years .
30 " David Fairfax came to see you the other day , " Matthew went on .
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