Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] into any " in BNC.

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1 Since English people are also stereotyped in Ulster in various ( usually unfavourable ) ways , it was probably equally important that my mixed , but mainly Scottish , accent made it extremely difficult for subjects to fit me into any clear popular category .
2 The difficulty in the case of shares is to fit them into any normal legal category ; but one is unlikely to be left in doubt whether something is or is not a share .
3 Do not try to form them into any sort of order ; merely pick them out and write them down .
4 and it was too much hassle to put her into any other job .
5 We do not have that in Britain and we need to build it into any changes .
6 I used to be a professional cleaner — I do n't want to get her into any trouble , I … ’
7 ‘ They are pruned back and wire can be attached to the branches to shape them into any design you want .
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