Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [vb infin] up " in BNC.

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1 Now what sort of pay formula would you like to see them come up with ?
2 She wanted to see me grow up , it was as simple as that , but it 's those simple things that are sometimes the hardest to accept . ’
3 I only wish Tata had lived to see me take up my place at Bedford College .
4 While I have great sympathy for the doctors of twenty years or more ago who did not realise the addictive effect of such tablets when they began to prescribe them , I do not feel equal sympathy for those doctors ( fortunately their number is growing less ) who still hand out similar prescriptions to their patients and then fail to monitor their progress or to help them give up the medication as soon as possible .
5 Company managers have been asked to provide support for smoking employees who may find the new policy difficult to follow , and if required , staff will be offered counselling to help them give up .
6 To help them grow up strong .
7 Your midwife and doctor , though , see many pregnant women , so they need to use all their skills to help them build up a picture of your individual , unique pregnancy .
8 The New Zealand government looks after the Cook Islands , Niue and Tokelau ; the Americans have Samoa , and the British look after the four islands of the Pitcairn group , selling stamps for the islanders to help them keep up their revenues .
9 In The Hitch-hiker 's Guide to the Galaxy the author , Douglas Adams , describes a planet inhabited by a race of hyperintelligent pan-dimensional beings who build a hyperintelligent computer to help them come up with the answer to Life , the Universe and Everything .
10 If , at the end of this year , the total funds — I reckon those to be £44 million , but that figure may not be quite accurate — are underspent , will my hon. Friend advertise for people who , from 1989 to 1991 , did not receive their full allocation and allow anyone , including my constituents , to apply to help them use up any unused balance ?
11 I am writing this partly to get it clear in my head and to help me make up my mind .
12 This could be in the form of simple notes , but a better way is to compile a revised shot list in which the details are given together with other editing information ( eg ‘ delete first six seconds ’ ) to help you set up the edit-points quickly .
13 On alternate days walk at a slower pace to help you build up a regular habit of walking .
14 Use the words and pictures on these pages to help you build up a picture of what happened .
15 To help you draw up a shortlist from the dozens of good new varieties on offer , the accompanying table will help you choose the pick of the bunch .
16 This is the idea , this is , it 's going to help you break up things into work and non-work .
17 Try processing all the relevant information contained in the problem to help you come up with one plausible explanation .
18 ‘ You are a good second class student , ’ was his verdict ; ‘ my job is to help you scrape up enough marks to push you over the border line . ’
19 He was a welder that used to help us make up er special tools and things to break down tyres with and the little four-wheeled trailer with it , B-Seventeen wheels on it that Billy has in was made by him .
20 No matter what species are chosen , it is always wise to buy a few small juveniles , or sub-adults , depending on the fish 's eventual size , and to let them grow up together .
21 Far better to let them grow up safe than expose them by making himself conspicuous .
22 ‘ All right to let him come up ? ’
23 The bearer slowed to let him come up with him .
24 That 's all right — it is better to disperse the feeling than to let it build up .
25 Oh and you used to let us stop up and watch him , it must of been on at about nine o'clock or something
26 At this moment two people grabbed me to try to make me get up but I could not get up , so they kicked me and stamped all over me from head to toe .
27 It was important enough to make me come up here to ask Dr Bailey about Christabel LaMotte . ’
28 To make them stand up without toppling over needs an understanding of balance , and vocabulary related to over-balancing , top-heavy , etc. can be introduced .
29 With so much land to be disposed of , it was hard to make them put up with anything less than freehold tenure , and so it was almost impossible for the proprietors to make very much out of their estates .
30 She used to get angry and go and pull the bedclothes off Anthony and his friends to make them get up and get out .
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