Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] on the " in BNC.

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1 Neither officer seems to wear cords on the M1889 field hat , identified by its lack of brass screen ventilators .
2 By making copies of prehistoric stone implements and then using the copies to cut , scrape and chop different materials ( such as growing crops , bones and hides ) , the patterns of wear formed by these processes can be matched to wear patterns on the original artefacts .
3 Similarly , the cars of ramblers who do n't like to see bikes on the hills are , by weight of numbers , forcing cyclists off the road .
4 Next time we will have a basis on which to request a meeting , in advance — trying to arrange meetings on the spot becomes a nightmare of negotiating other prescheduled appointments .
5 The industry body for many of the companies behind the leasing of photocopiers , the Finance and Leasing Association , has taken steps to curb excesses on the part of its members .
6 We have been considering , in , groups of instructions to perform operations on the different data formats held within the computer .
7 But they were sent to spend their fourth night in a hotel after failing to agree verdicts on the seven other accused at the end of a trial which has lasted nearly five months .
8 But we do not claim that we have reached the ‘ vernacular ’ , or the most casual of possible styles , for any informant ( although some reports on our work have stated that we have ) : we merely claim that our data is rich and variable enough to enable us to classify styles on the stylistic continuum in an extremely well motivated way .
9 They 're studying the book the film is based on and also have to write essays on the film .
10 A Steamship Owners ' Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association had been formed as early as 1874 which later became part of a North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association , and as early as 1878 shipowners of the north-east were complaining of the " tyrannical " attempts of a " dictatorial body of unionists " ' to impose demands on the industry , establishing in 1885 a Central Association of Shipowners of Sunderland , Glasgow and Newcastle to put their views to the Royal Commission of 1886 on Chamberlain 's proposed Shipping Bill .
11 But is n't it getting more difficult to repair cars on the roadside with the growing complexity of modern engineering ?
12 the accountant is required to extract balances on the clients ' ledger accounts at two or more dates — now at least three months apart — and compare the total liabilities to clients with the cash book balance on the client account , and reconcile the cash book balance with the client account balance as confirmed directly to the accountant by the bank or building society ;
13 First , while promising always purports to impose obligations on the promisor , consenting does not always do so .
14 The transfer project , conducted between 1953 and 1955 , was designed to establish settlements on the barren islands in order to assist Canadian claims to sovereignty over the region .
15 There is , however , a more fundamental reason why silence could not be used extensively as a ploy to impose limitations on the research from below .
16 A different set of rules then operate to impose limitations on the expression of aggro .
17 MAUREEN : Then it 's easier to find stations on the A set .
18 An MNR spokesman in Nairobi , Joaquim Vaz , announced on Feb. 21 that the movement intended to restart attacks on the Beira and Limpopo corridors , on the grounds that Zimbabwean troops were still stationed in other areas of the country .
19 Semple and Logan ( Un ) failed to attract transfers on the same scale as Smyth and Dunlop ( DUP ) .
20 We were strong at the back , and had the capability in midfield to launch attacks on the counter .
21 The travel agents have even had to return cheques and cash that have been sent in as deposits to secure places on the proposed flights .
22 Instead the queues have been forming to secure places on the landscape painting holidays Mr Waldie is running at the Esplanade Hotel , Scarborough .
23 William Hill said it refuses to accept wagers on the state of royal marriages and has often turned down bets on a Charles and Diana split .
24 News that the current account on the UK balance of payments had moved slightly into surplus during June , for the first time since February 1987 , also helped to increase dealings on the London stock market , where the FT-Actuaries All-Share Index reached a new all-time peak of 1,238 on July 29 .
25 Under section 14 the police are given a power to impose conditions on the same grounds as in the case of marches ( see : Police v. Brickley , States , Kitson & Kitson ( Mag.Ct 1987 ) , where demonstrators were convicted for ignoring a condition that they should not stand immediately outside the South African Embassy ) .
26 However , as with marches and processions , the police have the power to impose conditions on the location , duration and size of the assembly on similar grounds to those which apply to marches .
27 Power was conferred upon the chief officer of police to impose conditions on the holding of public processions where he had reasonable grounds to believe that serious public disorder was likely to ensue from the holding of a procession .
28 Even without notification , the police would be entitled to impose conditions on the holding of the procession .
29 By section 12 , the senior police officer is empowered to impose conditions on the proposed march if he reasonably believes that it may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or alternatively that the purpose of persons organising the march is to intimidate others ‘ with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do . ’
30 Despite their lack of familiarity with the product type , the distributors managed to attract customers on the basis of Komatsu 's product and price advantages .
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