Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] good [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Every thirteen years the eye needs double the amount of light to see so good lighting is very important in making the most of sight .
2 However , it is possible to obtain quite good results from simple systems .
3 Shastri and Navjot Sidhu continued to enjoy both good fortune and the spaces which Gooch 's attacking field left open .
4 Is her promise not to do so good consideration for the husband 's agreement to pay the 30s. per week ?
5 They provide most impressive demonstrations of the power of natural selection to put together good designs .
6 The aim was to draw together good practice and make recommendations to enable organisations to manage secondments effectively and provide secondees with the support necessary to enable them to contribute fully to their new jobs and to their old , once they returned .
7 Using reported experiences , we aimed to draw together good practice and make recommendations to the organisations on how best to manage secondments so as to help secondees adapt more rapidly to their new jobs and , in due course , to the return of their former posts .
8 The aim was to draw together good practice and make recommendations to enable organisations manage secondment effectively and provide secondees with the support necessary to enable them to contribute fully to their new jobs and to their old , once they returned .
9 afford to chuck away good stuff .
10 We 'll have to carry on with the Week of the Lion tour if only to give there good people something to do .
11 You can do this through a Licensed Conveyancer , or even do it yourself , but having said that solicitors nowadays ( at least , the ones we use ) tend to give pretty good value for money .
12 I , I , I think Chairman , that I , having to put very good money after bad doing it this way , I think it 's perfectly true , people think of Shropshire as a rural county , and I think film producers will be people erm , if they want to come here they will and it 's hardly Council business , taking huge amounts erm , well known production , but er , quite often major films have been
13 The new , expensive , equipment required secure and sound cover , thus the Club had to build suitably good sheds ; these are by the 3rd fairway .
14 It is well known in the executive search world that it is hard to prise really good people out of IBM or indeed attract those out of IBM whom IBM truly wish to keep .
15 To survive with a young family of six and travel across Europe in those terrible days must have demanded the dexterity of an escape artist , and an iron will — not to mention extremely good connections and much luck .
16 The food she ate made you grow too , so she was very careful to eat only good food and to take nothing that might harm her little baby .
17 ‘ You 've got to have damn good eyes . ’
18 In a way , it 's ended up being a good test to measure potentially good relationships against bad ones , because say I went out with someone and at a party they said , ‘ Sit on me lap , darling ’ , and then they said , ‘ Oh God , you 've only got one leg ’ — well , I 'd know they would n't be worth going out with !
19 ‘ I know my father 's apprentices used to get quite good money but then I ca n't afford the proper rate .
20 You have to have very good equipment , and you have to have the best start possible .
21 To create power and control you have to have very good timing .
22 No because I , no , I well , it 's is , I know people who say well I 've heard very little and I know that 's enough for them to have very good friends .
23 Well they , they had to do the , it had n't used to have very good drainage and far more of a slope , it , it 's far more level today than it used to be , it used to have a great slope towards the long end which was considered an advantage to Walsall and the water used to gather , but I believe the improved the drainage and had pipes put under which it , it does n't seem to gather water so much now down at the railway end .
24 To take really good pictures photographers need to be properly briefed .
25 ‘ Please tell Mr Hansen to take very good care of that plane .
26 Yes , I think for a lot of people that 's true and I do n't denigrate that because I think a lot of good work goes on in the Women 's Institute , but what we are particularly interested in is in the professional craftsman , the craftsman who has trained for a number of year to produce extremely good work , and what we try to do is to make that work more available to the public in a number of ways .
27 The enlarged group should be able to produce both good returns for shareholders and a raising of programme standards on Northern TV screens .
28 It was also alleged for instance that women were too docile to make really good workers , too lacking in spirit and ambition : " Boys [ i.e. apprentices ] would claim to be shifted on to the higher branches of the trade " .
29 Indeed I am rather coming round to the view that the trouble last year was not that we failed to produce as good policies as our opponents but that we failed to produce policies for the issues the electorate was most interested in .
30 Over recent years , headhunters have helped to make consistently good appointments without major cause for complaint .
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