Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He cautioned museums not to embrace wholly mass media which ‘ simplify and cheapen ’ the experience of art , and declared the museum 's main purpose is not preservation , but ‘ cultivation of the human spirit ’ .
2 He prefers to parry rather then duck and sway .
3 Another difficulty with making distinctions about types of detail given is that the way the recall test was structured may have encouraged subjects to report mostly central details and no attempt was made to interrogate subjects ’ memories for details which may have been peripheral .
4 District nurses have always had the skills to treat acutely ill patients , but have not had nurses or aides under them .
5 In Burkina Faso , Mali , Malawi , Uganda and Ghana TRANSAID is passing on its skills through training for drivers , riders and mechanisms working to support widely dispersed health facilities .
6 These schools , given a far from warm reception when first proposed , are to be funded in a new way , are to fall altogether outside Local Authority control , and as their name implies are to be devoted primarily to preparing their pupils for a career in industry .
7 The Phnom Penh government and its guerrilla foes continued to issue widely conflicting claims during January about the military situation on the ground [ for battle reports in September and October 1989 see pp. 36882 ; 36976 ] .
8 Often the task of documentation fails to preserve remarkably important information , such as contextual information , or details of purpose .
9 He insists that they have to go so real equality can be achieved and the class structure ended .
10 It is , however , important to include only final goods and services : all intermediate goods must be excluded so that double-counting is avoided .
11 Every thirteen years the eye needs double the amount of light to see so good lighting is very important in making the most of sight .
12 And though bonuses have all but disappeared , basic staff salaries remain too high — and staff numbers have yet to fall below pre-Big-Bang levels .
13 They may also want to gather together other material to suit their own modifications and preferences , if any ( eg blackboard and copies of their own examples ) .
14 Allied Dunbar gives 2 500 000 pounds every year to charity , but prefers to support less fashionable causes .
15 The hide is a good place to spend some time , not only to see the more common bird species such as heron , coot and several kinds of tit , but you might also be lucky enough to spot less common birds such as the great spotted woodpecker and the kingfisher .
16 Without such a blanket definition of dangerous goods , however imprecise , the conditions would have become unbalanced , with the need to include highly technical classifications of dangerous goods more appropriate to the shipping industry .
17 It seems that the aunt used to cadge cigarettes from Eliot , and Powell remembers how he used to enjoy long solitary walks , wearing a cap and carrying a stick .
18 However , the conferences turned out to carry less political weight than had been expected .
19 Some existing treatments of anaphor resolution ignore this problem by only considering one of the sources of candidates ; for example , the algorithms of Sidner ( 1979a ) and the work of Grosz , Joshi & Weinstein ( 1983 ) seem to treat only intersentential anaphora , while much work in theoretical linguistics does not venture beyond sentence boundaries .
20 Lévi-Strauss sought to demonstrate that similar oppositions operate in kinship and mythic systems enabling him to compare apparently unlike kinship systems and myths from different cultures and show the structural continuity of mythemes , and kin relationships , across what are , at first sight , very different cultures .
21 If widened to include less obvious frauds in insurance , tax evasion and financial dealings , the costs rise to £52 billion , or 9 per cent of gross national product .
22 In the end , however , the superpowers and Britain agreed by the treaty of August 1963 to conduct only underground tests in the future .
23 But in practice it was difficult to acquire sufficiently large sites for the proposed schemes .
24 As well as assisting technology development , MITI organized a leasing corporation to lease only Japanese computers on competitive terms to those available abroad .
25 ‘ We shall have to prove able to provide professionally competent people for government posts .
26 The Government first attempted to exclude altogether supplementary benefit and national assistance from the scope of regulation 72 .
27 Details are given of the Clwyd Environmental Forum , which was set up to provide locally active organisations and statutory bodies with an opportunity to discuss issues of concern to the county 's environment and to promote the interchange of information and experience .
28 He 's a composer who seems to attract rather precious commentary — talk of the fundamental expression of the human soul , of primitive silence , of other-worldly styles .
29 From another standpoint it is impossible , given the infinite unique patterns of need demonstrated by individuals , to provide wholly individualised packages of care provision .
30 ‘ He is ideal because he is both a statesman and an artist [ he used to write rather stodgy plays ] , and we believe he shares the values we stand for , ’ says an ICA spokesman .
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