Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [coord] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Yet the survey also found the same drivers were far more likely to drive badly and to flout the law .
2 Some contain two or more different plants to flower together or to follow on from each other .
3 Because of the repayments that were made of borrowing during that period , in the midst of a recession we are now in a better position to borrow prudently — than we have been at any stage in the past : to borrow prudently and to maintain our commitment to a balanced budget in the medium term .
4 Indonesia 's traditional performing arts , such as music and shadow-puppet shows , play a major part in the life of the ‘ media village ’ , attracting people of all ages and social and religious backgrounds to perform together and to talk and share ideas and concerns .
5 all sorts of managing business and they had to work together and to hold group organisations .
6 ( ii ) It is probably clear to the reader that , although we are trying to work formally and to assume nothing other than that given , we do not choose our definitions of unc and unc in a perfectly random fashion , but rather make them reflect what we want to happen .
7 And so Bickers moved on to form Levitation , and into his shoes stepped Simon Walker , just long enough to tour extensively and to record the latest album before he , too , split .
8 Of course , there was some opportunity for students to work independently and to discuss their work problems .
9 Mr Behbehanian , his banker , who believed that the British controlled every event in Iran , was still pressing him to repair there and to apologize to the British for insulting them in recent years .
10 Two of them ( the men , I mean ) became quite fond of John during the short time he was with them , and expressed much regret at his leaving , begging him to come again and to bring his gin , meaning his wife , with him . ’
11 They give us courage to try again and to succeed .
12 These empowered local authorities to clear and reconstruct unhealthy areas , with powers to purchase compulsorily and to limit compensation .
13 We talked of all we would do when he was strong enough , and I put everything else out of mind and concentrated on being positive and cheerful myself , which was not always easy but I was determined to behave normally and to treat him as a convalescent and not as a sick man .
14 I assure the hon. Gentleman that we are fully aware of the difficulties of the business community and that we shall continue to listen carefully and to tailor our policies to its needs .
15 The professional person is challenged to serve well and to make a name for himself or herself .
16 Encourage families to visit frequently and to take part in activities within the home .
17 In very general terms , Marxist theorists look for the location of power in the wider social and economic structure of society There is continuing debate within Marxism over the exact role that the state ( or political level ) fulfils and whether it has any significant independence from the requirements of the owners of the means of production and the preservation of the system of capital accumulation In the long term , however , Marxists argue that the scope for human beings to choose freely and to shape their society as they wish is severely circumscribed by the private ownership of the means of production , the necessity of the state to respond to the crises and problems generated by capitalism as an economic system and the inequality of competition between different ideologies Elite theories do not go so far in limiting the scope for individuals to choose or to shape their societies They argue that individuals can choose , subjectively , to join , to maintain or to challenge the structure of power which exists .
18 In this project , however , we wished to go further and to investigate whether the pig graves differed from the sheep graves in terms of the age , sex or apparent wealth of the incumbents .
19 By the time his aunt arrived Jamie was so far recovered as to be able to refuse to go home and to point out , severely , that he would be needed , either to assist the police or to be lead rider in the eleven-thirty class , or possibly both .
20 In the end I was told to go home and to stay there .
21 the skills enabling pupils to function collaboratively and to participate positively and with understanding in general discussion ;
22 They like to walk together and to fish together .
23 But they had agreed , contrary to all the intention and undertakings of August , to stick together and to crush the organizationally solid but bewildered and leader-bereft Labour Party by the ruthless exploitation of popular fear .
24 But jobs were hard to find and he decided not to resign then but to wait a few weeks until he found another job .
25 Trade unions became an important part of the Keynesian neo-capitalist revolution which prompted government intervention in the economy to overcome the inability of an unregulated free market economy to grow adequately or to distribute income fairly .
26 Nothing was left in it except Patrick himself and he had nothing to do now but to depart .
27 Or they thought they were and the only people they 're going to get any more from is the parents , nowhere else , nobody else is going to give them anything I 've got no illusions about it , I do n't expect you to get anything from anywhere else , and I know that you , you would n't get anything from anywhere else because they , they 've cut it , they 've cut it to the bone and the only people that can afford to go now and to live in anything like
28 Thus , the protagonists ' encounter with a postman who is too drunk to articulate properly or to deliver his letters , which he keeps dropping in the street , is one of a series of symbolic episodes expressing the generalized breakdown of communication in a country that has lost all sense of social cohesion .
29 As this is being written ( in 1985 ) , the publicity given to the case of Jasmine Beckford , who died after she was returned from public care to her parents ' care , will ensure that social workers will once again be reminded of the need to respond to the apparently contradictory demands of society both to intervene effectively and to respect family autonomy .
30 There is also now ample research to show that children whose parents listen to them reading at home tend to read better and to enjoy reading more than other children ( Topping and Wolfendale , 1985 ; see also Sheila Wolfendale 's Primary Schools and Special Needs , in the present series ) .
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