Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] order " in BNC.

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1 But HWIM needed to segment words in order to represent and rank competing partial interpretations .
2 Our correspondence culminated in a letter on 14 August , stating : ’ From 22 July 1991 , family health service authorities ( FHSAs ) have been given management discretion to target funds in order to maximise value for money and service to patients .
3 look please at item four , on page one , three , four second paragraph , the contingency fund is designed to provide funds in order to pay for major repairs or replacements which may arise in the future these accounts do not include the contingency fund despite strong recommendations from , can you explain please Mr ?
4 Gothic carvers also ground normal gouges to skew shapes in order that they may execute mitres where two deeply curved sections meet .
5 Mr Walker stated : ‘ The principal objective of the Directive is not to encourage production but to compensate farmers in order to ensure the continuation of farming . ’
6 As Dunleavy and Rhodes ( 1988 , p. 123 ) observe , ‘ high-spending ’ authorities not rate-capped tended to increase rates in order to build reserves against possible rate-capping in the future ; hence , ‘ it is difficult to say whether selective rate-capping has marginally decreased total local government taxation … or substantially increased it ( by encouraging many more councils to raise ( taxes ) as an insurance ’ .
7 Tabuchi 's statement came the day after Japan 's National Police Agency had urged the country 's banks and securities houses to establish mechanisms in order to monitor dealings with customers suspected of involvement with organized crime .
8 Simply expressed , the fact that party politicians are operating within an " unfair " electoral system in which the name of the game is to secure votes in order to win governmental power means that elections are turned into policy auctions in which the parties , through their manifestos , bid for popular support and the highest ( and most irresponsible ) bidder wins all .
9 The data in Table 7 can be rearranged so as to rank universities in order of the proportion of Scottish theses to theses as a whole , and develop what might be called a ‘ Parochiality Index ’ .
10 In the course of his testimony he pleaded the Fifth Amendment , refusing eight times to answer questions in order not to incriminate himself , and became known in the press as " Silent Sam " .
11 It follows that a decision to restrict earnings in order to boost dividends is likely to lead to lower tax-approved maximum benefits .
12 In the past , because children have been able to chant numbers in order ( 1 , 2 , 3 … ) , it has sometimes been assumed that they understood them and so were ready for sums .
13 Information on individual cases is referred to him in so far as it might help him to frame proposals for orders and changes in the law .
14 We therefore needed to identify individuals in order to adjust the prevalence estimate for double or multiple counts .
15 Although this is acceptable to most contemporary researchers — those interested in conducting spatial or multi-level analyses may be prevented from doing so but most researchers accept these limitations as an inevitable consequence of confidentiality requirements — it is not an optimum strategy for historical researchers who often do wish to identify individuals in order to link datasets .
16 The problem with such a view is that as between the members in general , the various non-profit interests and aspirations are likely to conflict and members will undoubtedly differ in the extent to which they are prepared to forego profits in order to see them fulfilled .
17 Only then were businesses in Europe entirely free to use their domestic currencies to buy dollars in order to pay for imports ; and controls on capital movements remained widespread .
18 Edward , a great believer in cold baths and the restorative power of long walks ( of between 25 and 50 miles ) , began to use dumb-bells in order to tone up his body and produce more muscles .
19 As a result erm changes in demand are gon na be er fairly unresponsive to changes in price because you 've got to use textiles in order to make clothes and everything else that you make textiles with .
20 ‘ Every time I play I feel fitter and it 's up to me to put things in order .
21 Students should apply direct to appropriate centres in order to enrol on a distance learning or correspondence programme .
22 ICMS is a combination of ways to manage crops in order to conserve and enhance the environment for wildlife and people while at the same time producing quality crops of economic yield .
23 R.R. Darlington stressed that the ecclesiastical content of several tenth-century law codes suggests that they originated as the canons of synods. Æthelstan 's first code , for example , and his Ordinance on Charities , both say that they were framed on the advice of Archbishop Wulfhelm of Canterbury and other bishops , and the text known as I Edmund appears from its prologue to be a set of decisions taken purely by the ecclesiastical wing of the witan ( royal council ) ; they may eventually have been issued as a royal decree , but that I Edmund in its surviving form is something other than this is implied by the fifth chapter , which exhorts the king to put churches in order .
24 Instead of pecking at discs , rats can be taught to press levers in order to obtain food and water .
25 Thus , although the legal model may prevent directors from regarding third party interests as ends in their own right , it is arguable that it is consistent with the directors ' obligations to the shareholders for the company to sacrifice profits in order to protect them given these possible relationships with shareholder utility .
26 These include : Proposed revisions to market hours in order to make official dealing times , mandatory quote periods and Seaq dealing times overlap more closely than at present .
27 He dreaded his own Bible class and found it hard to keep teenagers in order .
28 read the following judgment of the court , prepared by Brooke J. In these two cases we have been invited to determine , as preliminary issues , the capacity in which judges of the High Court are acting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court to determine appeals against orders by which barristers are to be disbarred or suspended from practice by their Inns .
29 ‘ It 's most inconvenient having no one to keep things in order . ’
30 Before the posters could be distributed , the latter fired off a letter , claiming that , under the Representation of the People Act 1983 , it is illegal to incur expenses in order to promote a candidate without that candidate 's permission , and that ‘ if you proceed , you and anyone who joins with you may commit a criminal offence . ’
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