Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Now , having checked out the way EUROAIM functions , we may decide to go as part of their umbrella .
2 For we understand that Dexter — the man who sacked David Gower — is set to go as chairman of selectors .
3 It is quite anomalous therefore that SI 1991 489 regulation 3(c) makes specific provision for any person to sue for breach of Core Rule 28 ( or a comparable SRO insider dealing rule ) .
4 It follows therefore , that a fireman fighting a fire at a factory which is not his place of employment , will not be able to sue for breach of such a statutory duty ( Hartley v Mayoh & Co [ 1954 ] 1 QB 383 ) .
5 If the promise was not met , could the employee use the mail message as s/he would a postal mail letter to sue for breach of contract or to support other legal action ?
6 His remedy was to sue for breach of contract .
7 A Kenyan chartered accountant threatened to sue for loss of business .
8 Well a very close fought encounter at the stadium ; we had to wait for quarter of an hour for the first actual goal chance when Dave Bristow hit the ball from twenty five yards , which just cleared the bar .
9 If you can be as … affected as you seem to have been by answering journalists ' questions , perhaps I 'd be wiser to wait for publication of results , like everyone else .
10 Banks and bondholders are being asked to wait for repayment of nearly £1 billion of its £1.2 billion debt .
11 Since job D has to wait for completion of B , and only B , before it can start , the early start for D is 7 .
12 Since job D has to wait for completion of B , and only B , before it can start , the early start for D is 7 .
13 Entrusting the decision in unfair dismissal cases to tribunals was a conscious decision designed to include as part of the decision-making process the industrial experience of employers and employees .
14 We also need to understand any terms and conditions you wish to include as part of the deal structure .
15 He was aware of how professional he must appear to her in his preparations for what she saw as killing and which he had been trained to see as protection of the innocent .
16 It 's a handy program for anyone who needs to send a large variety of business letters and who does n't want to faff about thinking of the right thing to say .
17 you 've got to go for size of the
18 THE ECHO 'S reply to Tom Roberts ' recent letter forgets to mention that lots of the criminals ' victims are deprived of their freedom — pensioners too frightened to go for fear of being mugged , young girls afraid to walk the streets at night in fear of being raped .
19 He was due to remain as leader of the party until a successor was chosen at a leadership convention in Calgary on June 23 , 1990 .
20 It is in everyone 's interest that the sale agreement contains an express statement as to whether prior knowledge is a defence or whether prior knowledge will not prejudice the purchaser 's ability to claim for breach of warranty if the material fact is not disclosed in the disclosure letter ( see clause 13.4 of the standard sale agreementAppendix III ) .
21 A further clause provided that the plaintiff would not be entitled to claim for breach of warranty if the material matter had been fairly disclosed to the plaintiff in the disclosure letter but that no other information of which the plaintiff had knowledge would prejudice any claim by the plaintiff under the warranties .
22 Tyrone was to search for evidence of further concealed Coal Measures .
23 An additional power is given by section 8 which allows an application to be made to a magistrate for a warrant to search for evidence of a serious arrestable offence .
24 It is an offence to obstruct the police in their efforts to search for evidence of a drug offence .
25 ( The lack of teeth in terms of penalties is compounded by a lack of powers to search for evidence of abuses . )
26 The report discusses the implications of the short time local authorities had to plan for use of the grant , in particular the difficulties within the time scale of consulting users , carers and others in planning for and providing new services .
27 In the sluggish provinces , as in some towns , double-headed-eagle notes from the old regime overstamped with Bolshevik signs continued to circulate for lack of anything else .
28 The circuit 's owners , the exclusive British Racing Drivers ' Club , whose members include Nigel Mansell , Stirling Moss , James Hunt and Jackie Stewart , admit that they need to spend £15-20 million on the track if it is to continue as home of the British Grand Prix .
29 Her plans to move away from London meant that she was no longer able to continue as director of the Display Team and she was warmly thanked for everything she had done in the past .
30 ‘ We have a lot of demons to nail as part of our creative process . ’
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