Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [noun] than " in BNC.

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1 Older children were less inclined to wait for attention than younger children .
2 In religious matters the restoration of monarchy was followed by the decisive establishment of the power of the Church of England , and in constitutional questions Charles showed that he was much more resigned to the need to work with Parliament than either Charles I or Cromwell had been , but in colonial affairs there was no change of direction , though the new government may have been able to follow its policy with more continuity than its predecessor .
3 A higher proportion of women go out to work in Britain than in any other EC country except Denmark .
4 These horses are more likely to suffer from alkalosis than acidosis .
5 Babies of working class mothers are more likely to suffer from illness than middle-class babies for a variety of reasons : the mother 's health and style of living , particularly whether she smokes heavily ; the mother 's diet ; the mother 's type of employment during the late stages of pregnancy ; housing conditions , particularly heating ; the use of ante-natal clinics by the mother during pregnancy .
6 No sooner has one cycle started to diminish in amplitude than another disturbance to the economy occurs , starting off a new cycle .
7 Skilled Unix technicians are also easier to find in Poland than traditional systems people .
8 Some accounts ( e.g. Honig 1981 ) assume that a reinforcer expectancy is more likely to persist in memory than is a representation of the sample stimulus itself .
9 She 's no more fit to appear in court than she was six weeks ago .
10 Do you know that it is far better to train by reward than by punishment ?
11 There is far more to visit in Bangkok than Hong Kong .
12 Moreover the Politburo can argue both that political pluralism is no panacea for economic problems , and that it is much easier to apply in Poland than in the vast multi-ethnic Soviet empire .
13 . Whatever opinions may be entertained concerning Mosley and his movement , there could be no graver stigma on the so-called freedom of expression said to prevail in Britain than that a body of Englishmen should be prevented from expressing their views by an Oriental confectioner .
14 He observes that ‘ the rider with high ambitions and little knowledge will be more inclined to revert to punishment than will the more experienced rider .
15 Your own recognition of improved living standards as key to stabilisation of numbers suggests that it will be more useful to look at livelihoods than fertility rates .
16 IF one partner has not been married before and the other one has , the couple are more likely to go into marriage than a couple where both partners have been married before .
17 There is an advantage in being large in males , and large males are more likely to mate with females than are small males .
18 Many people emerge from therapy far better adjusted and able to cope with life than others who have not been compelled by illness to work through loss and learn to know themselves .
19 The Bristol and West has discovered that people who ‘ live in sin ’ are 50 per cent more likely to fall into arrears than married couples .
20 You may well find that you have to use the choke chain more than normal when you are first walking along the street as the dog will be more inclined to pause for scents than before .
21 ‘ More like a motive for him to bump off Erdle than t' other way round . ’
22 Surely that 's a better way to deal with machismo than trying to deafen ourselves to its allure .
23 Consequently , they are often more hurried in their diagnosis , more likely to deal with symptoms than the underlying causes , resorting to palliatives rather than cures .
24 We also have an oxyacetylene torch , which is rather more difficult to use under water than most people imagine , but as this is just a reconnaissance trip we wo n't be taking it along .
25 For some , entering the market as consumers had more to do with necessity than with a growth in personal income .
26 Does he also agree that the reservations in his party about a single currency have more to do with nationalism than with economics ?
27 In the drawings the lamb appears to have bound feet , and the purport of the piece is surely more to do with sacrifice than deliverance .
28 This convergence may have less to do with ideology than with political ‘ learning ’ and having to cope with unanticipated events .
29 This is also the reason why road accidents are so difficult to approach by training , safety on the road is much more to do with attitudes than with driving skill ( Parry , 1968 ) .
30 According to French reports , however , the main cause of the deadlock , centring on oilseed production , had less to do with France than with Germany , the EC 's largest producer of rapeseed .
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