Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 BARNSLEY trainer Steve Norton ca n't wait to go off talent-hunting to America again in a fortnight 's time .
2 The winches could then be run instantly without having to wait for steam to be available .
3 Service trades offer the opportunity to create jobs quicker because they fulfil a requirement that already exists , rather than attempting to create a market for a new product and often having to wait for factories to be built and machinery installed .
4 Has to wait for food to be cooked and prepare to wait for it .
5 However , there was still a long way to go for Spain to be fully integrated into the world concert of nations ; indeed , this was not possible while Franco lived .
6 But now they will be much more human beings like the people we meet in our lives than those stock response , cut-out figures like the Vamp and the Villain ( to go for examples to the world of Hindi films ) .
7 At the close of the hearing before the Judicial Committee Lord Templeman announced that their Lordships would advise that the petitioner should be granted special leave to appeal for reasons to be delivered later .
8 He did however attempt in his Sermons Chiefly on the Theory of Religious Belief ( 1843 ) and The Grammar of Assent ( 1870 ) an analysis of the nature of religious belief which shows some affinity with Coleridge , and includes Newman 's own original idea of the ‘ illative sense ’ by which we find it possible to proceed through probabilities to certitude ; and in his celebrated Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine ( 1878 ) struggled with the problem of change and continuity in the expression of Christian faith down through the centuries in a fashion which has helped many others to grasp something of the questions , if not in most cases to accept his answers .
9 The reaction of some scholars to the question of ‘ coherence ’ is to search for cues to coherence within the text and this may indeed yield a descriptive account of the characteristics of some types of text .
10 By then , I had n't got a wireless but she declared that it was an absolutely necessary thing for someone in my situation and brought me a red one , of the kind that worked on batteries thankfully , not the kind you had to carry for miles to be recharged !
11 Special Instructions : — Please contact Mr J J Dunn ( 445 4141 Ext 1759 ) to arrange for documents to be collected immediately they have been opened .
12 So at a minimum government needs to arrange for broadcasting to be undertaken by allocating and enforcing private sector property rights in these frequencies .
13 Apart from dealing with the matter of the will if one was made , it may be agreed , if your parent wishes , that he should also take on the responsibility for contacting various persons and organisations : the bank , to arrange for money to be available to her pending the settlement of her husband 's affairs ; her husband 's employer and Trade Union branch secretary , or the secretary of any professional association to which he belonged ; his insurance company ; the Department of Health and Social Security , to obtain forms for claiming the death grant and the widow 's pension ; the Inland Revenue , if her husband was still paying income tax ; the Building Society , the mortgagor ( or landlord if she and her husband lived in rented property ) and any other person or organisation concerned .
14 This alternative has been open to them since 1986 but unfortunately many landowners chose to seek the approval of Licences instead even though it is virtually impossible to arrange for land to be occupied without giving occupation rights . ’
15 ‘ Fate was kind to arrange for Penry to be there just when he was needed most . ’
16 Cedric Humphreys , 65 , wants to retire as clerk to St Osyth Parish Council to devote more time to his interests in amateur dramatics and music .
17 The raid took 10 weeks to plan after complaints to local beat officers .
18 She confirmed at the weekend that she is to try for election to Europe in next year 's polls in the Conservative marginal Euro-constituency of Bedfordshire South .
19 Teachers of this persuasion wished to accept for admission to higher education , and to English studies , only those students possessing a sufficiently high level of " qualitative literacy " and sufficiently hard-working and disciplined as well as competitively motivated to " benefit " from university education .
20 It would appear , however , that for the moment , the Qualifying School will remain in Spain , so ambitious South African golfers will need to write for invitations to European events , become affiliated members and attempt to win sufficient money from seven events to earn a full member 's place on the Tour .
21 So , if you 'd like to find out if and when it 's on in your area , ask your parents or Brown Owl to write for details to : Or ring .
22 Oh , Shelley , Clive was a nice enough person and he was always good to me , but he was n't right for me , and although I appeared to live happily I used to long for things to be as they were between Felipe and me .
23 Each requires the headteacher , the governors and the other teachers to know about approaches to learning which are wider than those of single subjects .
24 You will understand when I say that I should like a poem to stand as preface to your book , a poem which we have both admired so much , Thomas Hardy 's ‘ Afterwards ’ .
25 We have also taken the opportunity in the Bill to provide for water to be supplied free of charge for fire training purposes and for other emergency purposes as well as fire fighting .
26 Thus only the infinitive is part of the verbal system , and to is an element brought in from outside this system to provide for incidence to a support seen as occupying a place in time before the beginning of the event .
27 His farming having failed , Smith decided to try journalism and after a brief period as correspondent on a provincial newspaper , he went to London to work as secretary to Jerome K. Jerome [ q.v . ] .
28 In 1975 she started to work as secretary to Tom Horton , in finance .
29 For , on the one hand , they dispensed valuable resources : opportunities for lamb-barrel politics were an incentive to people to participate in popular democracy , to stand for election to a committee , even if they doubted its suitability for managing a complex hierarchical organization .
30 By the 1890s it was the established practice for Nonconformist ministers , along with local clergymen , to stand for election to the Boards .
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