Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pn reflx] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Increasingly man is being urged to launch himself into the barely-explored regions of his innermost self in ‘ crafts ’ which are often unstable .
2 She just looked up at him with bewildered eyes and he put her firmly away , turning to launch himself into the water .
3 It was silly to work himself into a state like this .
4 BRITAIN 'S biotechnology company , Celltech , is making a pitch at a £2000 million market to pull itself into the black .
5 ‘ Of course not , ’ Flavia said , trying to pull herself into the present .
6 She seemed about to launch herself into a speech but then thought better of it .
7 And you know very well that as soon as you start to launch yourself into the world of contracting by , by its very nature a contract a a automatically has loopholes in it , and the more you write in a contract the more loopholes you 've got .
8 But the purpose of making such an accusation is , if it is made defensively , to cement oneself into a position of self-righteous stasis , and not to bring about change .
9 Somehow or other , the vicar got off stage , and disappeared behind the altar , perhaps off to hurl himself into the flames that would shortly be consuming Donald .
10 When it came time to fling himself into the cradle of the flying harness , the back scenery was slippery with rain , and Gabriel 's bare feet slithered against the paint so that he plunged nose down , the harness slipped down to his hips , and he sawed to and fro , arms outstretched .
11 Totally blinded , his spectacles streaming with water as he bobbed up , he tried to float himself into the galley .
12 I dismissed him as quickly as I could and later found that he had gone to drink himself into a drunken stupor .
13 ‘ On the rare occasion he bothers to leave that damn hotel — sorry , but you know what I mean — he just wants to drink himself into a stupor .
14 Now , it was reaching out , spiralling its essence down towards the wormhole in the fabric of the Dark , ready to feed itself into the earthly plane , to become one with the Vessel .
15 But if that was the case and doctors told me I would have to stop drinking , I 'd like to think I 'd be brave enough to drink myself into the grave .
16 ‘ Unless you wish to initiate yourself into the ultimate joys of sex right now , be still .
17 He needed , essentially , to become a Freeman of the City of London — and the most direct route for him , considering he had served no appropriate apprenticeship , was to buy himself into a livery company first .
18 He decided to use the letter ; the editor of his gossip column astutely elected to buy himself into the good graces of Buckingham Palace by informing their Press Secretary .
19 He was much the same height as Hotspur , and much the same build , though twenty years at least older , and a century more crafty , and there was always the curious suggestion about him that he was ready and waiting to fit himself into the void if ever Hotspur slipped out of being .
20 Germany 's captain Nikki Pilic , who had barely put the debacle surrounding Germany 's Olympic nominations behind him , came in for criticism for not resting Becker from the second day 's doubles , especially after he had been forced to play himself into the ground to beat Luis Mattar over five sets in exhausting heat on the first day .
21 But there is no reason for Britain to differentiate herself into the sidelines .
22 The metaliterary component is not so much in the existence of characters who discourse on the state of the art , even obliquely , through the exploration of writing 's other — through non-writing or no-more-writing — as in the project of the central characters , which is an essentially dramatic one : that of trying to imagine themselves into the world of another .
23 My aim would be to fit myself into the game unobtrusively …
24 In his Russian heartland the democrats , repeating the mistakes of their predecessors before 1917 , have failed to organise themselves into a cohesive opposition .
25 Their demands are much like those of the ill-fated Democratic Platform — reformers who quit the party but failed to organise themselves into a workable opposition .
26 If you have a group of parents who want something particular from a school and are going to organise themselves into a group to pressurise that school , they 'll do it whether there 's a P T A there or not .
27 I prefer to arrive in New York at night , to lower myself into the city gradually , like getting into a bathful of very hot water .
28 As regular , well-known members of the church it is difficult to put ourselves into the shoes of the first-time visitor .
29 At the final moment he was forced to cast himself into the Realm of Chaos to avoid final and utter death .
30 However , the group managed to put itself into a position to take advantage of the surge in bookings which followed the ending of the Gulf war last year and the demise of International Leisure Group .
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