Example sentences of "[to-vb] [been] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Outside the house , the Washington coat of arms , said to have been the inspiration for the American flag , can be seen above the main porch .
2 Despite much popular resentment at the effects of cash restraints on public services , the government 's continuing popularity largely rested on its claim to have been the architect of new prosperity , based on finance , credit , and consumer pump-priming rather than on mass manufacturing industry as in the past .
3 He none the less played a prominent part in 1520 in the preparations at Calais for the ‘ Field of the Cloth of Gold ’ , continued to supervise the works at Eton , and seems to have been the architect of St Stephen 's cloister in Westminster Palace .
4 Adam is said to have been the herald of the Taurean Age ( the age of the bull which gives life ) , while Abraham began the Age of Aries ( sacrificing the ram instead of his son ) .
5 The earliest place of worship would appear to have been the chantry , constructed , it is said , as early as 1332 and rumoured to have had a secret passage running to Mere House .
6 To have been the driver of a lorry trying to provide desperately needed aid to besieged people .
7 This does not have to have been the winning of some special prize or coming first in every race .
8 Strongly associated with industry and growth , his gift to the people was said to have been the pick-axe , and his likeness was often placed by a new roadway or building .
9 The hold-up in the server introduction is believed to have been the difficulty of converting AppleShare for A/UX Unix .
10 One great advantage of the free market was to have been the prospering of hard working , successful hospitals at the expense of those providing an inferior service .
11 Asda , which appears to have been the subject of an extraordinary — but unsuccessful — ramp on Tuesday , edged on ½ to 31½ after a huge 10m share cross trade between brokers .
12 Despite the superficial stupidity of the action , it must have some special advantage in at least enough cases for it to have been the subject of natural selection .
13 Nevertheless the technique is attractive enough to have been the subject of further development work ( Bakhuizen , 1979 ; Hair , 1983 ) and commercial exploitation ( Kuo and Butts , 1982 ) .
14 Although the case of a limitation upon , or condition precedent to a right to serve a notice to quit , does not appear to have been the subject of judicial decision , his principle that , if a covenant affects a landlord qua landlord , it must necessarily run with the reversion , appears to me a sound criterion …
15 This turns out to have been the date of Sylvius 's death .
16 The date specified in the affidavit will be the date deemed to have been the date of service unless the court otherwise orders .
17 Detectives named two men sought in connection with Clapham as Patrick Sheehy and John Conaghty , who are believed to have been the core of a cell of about five or six .
18 In 1168 the Lusignans were nothing like as rich or powerful as the Counts of Angoulême , who ruled what was in effect an independent principality in the heart of Aquitaine , and yet it was Lusignan which seems to have been the storm centre of the revolt .
19 The fruit-eating primates of Africa seem to have been the origin of the human stock , one way or another , whether the immediate ancestors were derived from an Asiatic ‘ Homo erectus ’ or not .
20 Tell the King that Mohamed Srifi 's only crime seems to have been the expression of his peaceful political views .
21 A band whose main influence seems to have been the orchestra tuning up backwards on ‘ A Day In The Life ’ ?
22 The major problems you will have encountered in preparing the consolidated profit and loss account are likely to have been the calculation of the unrealised profit provisions and the minority interest .
23 A railway hotel dinner in those days seems hardly to have been the dread experience it would be to-day .
24 Some general stimuli seem to have been the persistence of higher birth rates in rural areas ( which meant pressure on land ) , the attractions of city life , better public transport , which made it easier for cities to recruit labour from a wider area , and , above all , the creation of employment as industry grew up near supplies of raw materials and important transport centres .
25 She stood on what she judged to have been the centre of their cottage and , fearfully biting her lip , gazed about her .
26 As for Lydia , she was satisfied to have been the centre of attention for one day in her life .
27 Passing the crag rats who were climbing Cave Route Right Hand , I climbed my own bit of grade E6 over the tufa and out past the block of stone with a hole eroded through that is said by some to have been the lip of a water chute when the chasm was a cave .
28 Yet it seems to have been the realisation of what the Hanoverian succession would mean — namely Whig supremacy — which provoked the disturbances .
29 The phrase ‘ The Age of Criticism ’ seems to have been the invention of the American poet Randall Jarrell ; and like the Enlightenment , and some other dignified terms of intellectual history , it began as something like a term of dismissal .
30 The priority system which has raided and impoverished the civilian economy for military benefit may in retrospect turn out to have been the scourge of military and civil progress alike .
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