Example sentences of "[to-vb] [indef pn] about the " in BNC.

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1 The members of his party appeared to know nothing about the opposition of the hierarchy to the earlier Bill , and Dr Browne only found out in October/November 1950 .
2 Unlike Karelius and Fräulein Müller , the Frenchman seemed to know nothing about the opera or even the rudiments of music .
3 The Director seemed to know nothing about the College .
4 We want to know everything about the Dove Trust and its officers .
5 You need to know everything about the way she buys , the way she sells , the way she checks up that that girl who works for her has n't got her fingers in the till — everything about the way she runs that business .
6 They had interviewed a man from Bombay who claimed to have a degree in physics but turned out to be a defrocked dentist , and they had nearly offered a job to a man from Sri Lanka who seemed to know everything about the school apart from the fact that it was supposed to be for Muslims .
7 I 'm back with another Fox Report on Monday , but if you want to know everything about the sport and leisure that 's happening in the area , do make sure you listen to Fox leisure with Steve Priestley and Phil Angell tomorrow at two , and Steve Priestly is here , in person , after the news at seven with the Red Fox .
8 However , it is possible to discover something about the relationship between clause structure and the processing of written language by using a subject-paced reading task .
9 Secondly is evidence from sediments and materials , and the material comprising the river terrace could be used to infer something about the mode of deposition and the physical environment at the time .
10 A parents ' evening in late September or early October gives time for the class to settle and for the teacher to get to know something about the child .
11 He replied politely that just as he studied the whereabouts of bones and tendons and muscles so as to know more about the figures he tried to draw , in the same way — if he was attempting a portrait — it helped to know something about the working of people 's minds and how their characters had been formed .
12 The counsellor 's task is not just to understand only one facet of the counsellee 's life , but to know something about the totality .
13 However , since tests are always used by different people in different settings , it is also necessary to know something about the extent to which the same tester may achieve stable scores , when the test is given to the same person on different occasions , or the extent to which the scores from different testers would be comparable if they were to test the same individual .
14 In another presidential address , this time to the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues , Stotland ( 1977 ) spoke on the topic of ‘ white-collar criminals ’ and argued that although we were beginning to know something about the people who commit white-collar and corporate crime , we ought to intensify our efforts .
15 ‘ Captain Maestrangelo , ’ he said , filling his pipe rapidly and efficiently , ‘ needs to know something about the family , everything about the family , in fact , and quickly . ’
16 It 's good to know something about the man .
17 To understand Theory Z , it will be helpful to know something about the characteristics of large Japanese firms .
18 What I would like is to know something about the job I came here to do .
19 In a car outside these youngsters seemed to know something about the vandalism .
20 As one who was so instrumental in mapping out the future promise of early Smiths , his quote ‘ If you asked me to write something about The Smiths now it would probably be critical ’ , remained interesting .
21 But then , you 're too conventional to know anything about the sort of relationships that a literary man can have . ’
22 The important point about heritability is that we do not need to know anything about the actual genotypes in order to say what it is .
23 In a search system like Okapi , which ranks records by weighting terms , the system also does not need to know anything about the nature of the relationship .
24 Other than this we do not need to know anything about the portion of the sentence we have already generated .
25 You you do n't have to know anything about the problem to specify them .
26 Furthermore , traditional grammar sees in the finite verb a word which predicates something about its subject : The grammatical function of a finite verb is to serve as a predicate word , that is , in an ordinary affirmative sentence to state something about the subject of the sentence …
27 It kept the Navigation Acts up to date , but under Walpole 's premiership in the 1720s and 1730s it passed so little legislation of any general application even within Britain that it was quite natural for it to do nothing about the colonies .
28 And I believe that with the privileges that come to those who benefit most from the capitalist system there are obligations , and so the combination of that latter thought makes me want to do something about the inner cities , plus a revulsion at waste and hopelessness and dereliction and concern which is self-evident in some of these older towns and cities .
29 Stone is utterly convincing in his argument that the 1857 Divorce Act had nothing to do with perceived changes in the economic conditions of the labouring poor during early industrialization and everything to do with lawyers ' determination to do something about the chaotic state of the law .
30 Up the Empire ! ’ to a group of communist students from the UK gathered at the bar of his hotel , promises to do something about the ‘ blooming awful ’ state of Soviet plumbing and ends up making a deal with Stalin with the insouciance of George Formby addressing himself to Hitler .
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