Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] during the " in BNC.

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1 The hon. Gentleman will want to know that during the past two years personal social services standard spending will have increased by nearly 33 per cent .
2 Erm that might , might interest you to know that during the past ten years I have personally entertained something like a hundred visitors from the States who are with their families er , of course , er returned here for a look , look round .
3 Regular staff , sometimes nominally of the same grade , provide a sort of supervision for them in the initial period and themselves tend to find that during the peak period they are doing , or doing more consistently , more responsible jobs than during the rest of the year .
4 I was also surprised to hear that during the last few days her Premium Bond had won £5,000 .
5 I do want to record that during the past colleagues have , almost without exception , done their best to work the system and I have greatly appreciated that .
6 It is sufficient to stress that during the first hours and days of life the child 's whole interaction with other things consists of reflex adaptation to the circumstances of the moment in so far as these affect biological need — the need , at this stage , of continued existence only .
7 While it may be very pleasant to eat strawberries in December , it is perhaps worth remembering the energy used to transport these luxuries from abroad , the extra fungicides and pesticides used to ensure that during the journey they do not deteriorate , and the fact that though the strawberries may appear fresh , they have probably been shipped thousands of miles and kept in cold storage for months .
8 Land availability , the activities of speculative builders , and rapid association of suburban living with status and respectability , combined with the growing railway network , contrived to ensure that during the second half of the nineteenth century the population of London 's outer suburban ring grew by approximately 50 per cent in each of the ten years between 1861 and 1891 and by 45 per cent between 1891 and 1901 .
9 At an extreme , such detailed localised studies can appear to demonstrate that during the early modern period no one outside a state-sanctioned minority of policy makers had , let alone acted on , an idea which had alternate social and political implications , rather than responded to , say , the price of corn in a specific market .
10 The hon. Gentleman neglected to mention that during the course of this Parliament , unemployment in his constituency has fallen by 32 per cent .
11 It probably has also escaped his notice that some of the BBC 's most cowardly-looking decisions — to drop the controversial film , The Last Temptation of Christ , to withdraw the Panorama programme on the economy and to decree that during the election campaign opinion polls should not lead the news bulletins — constitute genuflections to the Tories .
12 To think that during the Blitz , families , stout-hearted folk , were down in these caverns holding hands beneath blankets and whistling the stirring refrains of Dame Vera Lynn .
13 It is fair to say that during the day and a half of discussions in June 1993 alarm was expressed at the difficulties posed by the future of the historian 's resource .
14 I will go so far as to concede that taken in isolation , ripped away from the defining context of humour and irony and friendship , studied in their literal or surface sense only , then , yes , the words I spoke in that room as Robert stood at the window pretending to take me seriously could be understood to mean that during the past six or seven years I had gone to bed with more than one hundred and fifty prostitutes .
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