Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] all [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When Autocover was originally negotiated the objective was to establish a scheme to cover the widest spectrum of the membership possible but we had to accept that all Insurance Companies would insist on excluding certain categories .
2 You may be pleased to know that all glass doors in Sri Lanka and India remained intact during my visit although there were one or two other incidents , of which more anon .
3 ‘ It is easy to see that all work represents a fight against something , an attack upon the environment .
4 The objective is to confirm that all response times are less than the agreed target , and that response times for identical processes are consistent .
5 In chapter four the " turnyng til Jhesu " from all worldly things ( 94.2 ) is like the " insuperabel " love , while the second degree , " inseperabel " relates to the injunction to remember that all time is lost which is not God-centred and to contemplate the joy of those who are stable in this love until death ( 95.38f . ) .
6 In view of this it is reasonable to conclude that all experience of physical force is mediated by its prior constitution as a cultural category .
7 Nevertheless he continued to insist that all government was of divine institution , and that political authority was conferred by God , so that resistance to the " powers-that-be " was always a sin , regardless of what form that political authority took .
8 Very graphical , easy to use and all jargon is explained in detail .
9 Control is vested in local planning authorities , who are under a duty to ens–e that all land and property within their area is used for the best possible purposes in view of the shortage of land and the needs of the community .
10 the prime factor at present is to ensure that all land need for the schemes should protect against other developments and that flexibility is divided in
11 Should they be developing dementia registers in association with primary care teams or in some other way be trying to ensure that all dementia sufferers in a community have been properly assessed and offered appropriate services ?
12 Whatever method you decide to use to wire the board remember to ensure that all polarity conscious components are correctly orientated .
13 The choice of materials is critical for product security , safety and presentation purposes , but it is the Group 's policy to ensure that all packaging is as ‘ environmentally friendly ’ as possible , and meets the appropriate legislative standards wherever it is sold .
14 There was an explicit determination to ensure that all course elements studied and assessed were at degree level , and there were criticisms of ‘ traditional ’ submissions .
15 Mr Christie stressed that his appointment was of a temporary nature , saying that the agreement reached in the Court of Session last week had required a fifth ‘ independent ’ director to be appointed to ensure that all shareholding interests were properly represented .
16 In London , and later in all major cities , new impervious trunk sewers were built on scientific principles to replace or intercept the old ducts and to ensure that all sewage was discharged downstream .
17 Cosmos is bonded to ensure that all holiday money paid in advance by our clients is safeguarded .
18 The Comptroller and Auditor General , appointed by the Crown on a resolution of the House of Commons by virtue of section 1(1) of the National Audit Act 1983 has two major functions : ( a ) to ensure that all money paid out of the government accounts has been properly authorised and is properly applied ; and ( b ) to examine the accounts of the , various government departments .
19 Although the latter cases are probably a diminishing minority , especially now that budgetary delegation under LMS has made it essential that heads in their turn delegate a greater proportion of their managerial functions to senior staff , our studies indicate a more general need for primary schools to continue to review the role of deputy headship , to define more exactly the range of tasks it is appropriate for someone at that level of seniority to undertake , and to ensure that all deputy heads have appropriate job specifications .
20 The company says that it will broaden its collaborative Asynchronous Transfer Mode development effort as its ATM specifications mature , in order to ensure that all equipment supplied by other manufacturers will be compatible .
21 We had to ensure that all working surfaces were hygienic and dirt trap free , and that food could be transported without spilling .
22 The aim of the audit is to select one contractor every two weeks and to check such things as the implementation of health and safety plans , to ensure that all documentation is in order and that safety training programmes are being undertaken on an ongoing basis .
23 The 24 failed to achieve the 70C uniform cooking temperature needed to ensure that all food poisoning bacteria , including listeria , were killed .
24 The simple solution in this case is to ensure that all food remains out of their reach .
25 President , Congress calls upon all regions within the G M B to ensure that all safety reps and activists are supplied with all relevant information and details regarding the introduction of the new E E C directives on health and safety , which was introduced in the U K in January this year .
26 It will seek to ensure that all priority patients are treated within three months and that nobody should wait more than twelve months for treatment .
27 Korean skippers , for example , must pass an examination in plastics disposal before they are commissioned , and must keep a daily log to ensure that all plastic rubbish has been kept on board .
28 It will be increasingly important to ensure that all surveillance is comprehensive and very widely directed .
29 agrees that samples of all packaging , advertising , labelling and the like of the Licensed Products shall be provided to for inspection prior to initial use of the first Licensed Product to be published by which incorporates the Work to ensure that all Trade Marks are properly identified as the property of .
30 The approach adopted by the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act is a utilitarian one but it does not reflect the reality of the situation by failing to recognize that all computer output is the result , albeit in many cases the indirect result , of human skill and effort .
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