Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] the time " in BNC.

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1 In determining how much can be achieved in 15 minutes , consideration is taken of the time to store/restore and the time to verify , and equal durations of seven and a half minutes are allocated to these phases .
2 Do n't stick to a single time each day but try to vary it to see if the time of day makes a difference for you .
3 We also spoke of the encouraging future for South African cricket following recent changes in that long-isolated country , and of the good work being done by Ali Bacher and Steve Tshwete in uniting South African cricket at last , enabling former boycotters like myself to testify that the time had at last come to re-admit South African cricket to the international arena .
4 ‘ That is what I would like to do when the time is right . ’
5 Britain should then join the exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System , which Mrs Thatcher keeps promising to do when the time is ripe . ’
6 It 'll be easy to leave when the time comes .
7 Amendment has now been made to the legislation to ensure that the time for raising and answering enquiries is calculated correctly .
8 The judges had to decide whether the time limit had been reached .
9 Hence A may infer that B intends to convey that the time is at least after whenever the milkman normally calls .
10 It would be a good idea to check that the time for the quick-wash programmes includes drying .
11 So , take the notebook and note the day and the time you start to knit and the time you finish , even if its only ten minutes later .
12 Start off with time in hand so that you can read notices and indicators in a calm state of mind ; buy your ticket in advance ; know exactly when you have to change and the time of the connections .
13 Holden seemed particularly nervous , repeating his lines over and over to himself like a raw newcomer terribly afraid he might forget how to deliver when the time came .
14 Polls suggested that up to one in four Conservative MPs wanted her to go before the next general election : growing numbers of backbenchers were prepared openly to declare that the time had come for her to call it a day .
15 It is easy to say that the time spent considering the Matisse is time better spent than that spent considering a Gerasimov , let alone a Bouguereau .
16 Jesus goes on to say that the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken away .
17 And he would be the first to say that the time spent on making those long , hazardous journeys has paid dividends .
18 Stopping distance — that is , the time it takes for the brain to register the need to stop and the time it takes for the brake to take effect — is at 70 miles an hour a frightening 315 feet .
19 ‘ Which goes to show that the time was not ripe .
20 Just to give a flavour of the more joyful side : as a result of so many of us being out and being there , many other women workers , and many young women have come to feel that the time was right for them too , that they too have lesbian potential .
21 On the credit side , there is much for the parents as well as the teenagers to gain when the time comes for them to leave home .
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