Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 It provided that in civil or commercial matters a judicial authority of a Contracting State might , in conformity with the provisions of its legislation , communicate by letter rogatory with the competent authority of another Contracting State in order to request that the latter should , within its jurisdiction , effect either an examination ( un acte d'instruction ) or other judicial acts ( actes judiciaires ) .
2 Without such explanation , of course , it makes it difficult to accept that the same things really are taking place in the different spheres .
3 Critics tried to rescue older notions of ‘ community ’ or ‘ citizenship ’ to set against the competitive values of the Thatcher government — only to discover that the latter was highly adept in taking over these themes itself in such areas as housing , education , and ‘ neighbourhood watch ’ crime-prevention schemes , partly as a weapon against left-wing local authorities .
4 When was the last time you bought an item at one shop , only to find that the same item was much cheaper in another shop ?
5 When night fell we were appalled to find that the same principle had been carried over to the highway .
6 Gordian goes on to provide that the same is now to apply in pecuniary cases : an action for trust is to be available in all circumstances .
7 The law against sex discrimination was strengthened by the Sex Discrimination Act of 1986 which removed the restrictions on the hours women could work , allowing both night work and shift work , and gave women the right to work until the same age as their male colleagues .
8 It would be interesting to know whether the same criteria were used in the restructuring of the reserves .
9 In the second example , the comma is used to signal that the same clause represents new information .
10 Children will begin to see that the same amount of water will fill containers that appear to be of different capacity .
11 Furthermore , he could leave the manor if he so wished , and could therefore negotiate for better terms from the lord by threatening to go if the latter refused concessions ( 79 , p.31 ) .
12 It will be interesting to see if the same thing will happen in Japan ; the Japanese manufacturers belief in the preference of the client for service over a cheaper product is already being tested in the marketplace — to their chagrin , according to contacts within the Japanese manufacturers .
13 As soon as the back marking algorithm finds a proof that some state N does not lead to a goal , it tests to see if the same proof applies to ancestors A of N. When the same proof works for A , it prunes A and all its other descendants too .
14 The faster the heart beats the more rapidly we may be inclined to breathe and the more oxygen we take in .
15 It would be absurdly sanguine to suggest that the latter half of the twentieth century has witnessed any global movement in the direction of democracy or popular power .
16 Indicators relating to the struggle between the hardline members of the Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) and those in favour of economic liberalization continued to suggest that the latter group was gaining ground .
17 It is tempting to suggest that the same kind of jigsaw process will explain the shape of an elephant , but almost certainly it is not true .
18 The right has had the cheek to suggest that the same iron discipline should apply in the aftermath of defeat as in the anticipation of victory .
19 One consequence was this : once it was accepted that scripture stood alone outside tradition , and could be interpreted correctly by anyone with a pure heart and God-given rationality , it was not too big a step to suggest that the same could also be said of nature .
20 IBM also says that AD/Cycle and AIX CASE tool builders will be able to support both OS/2 and AIX development systems ‘ with a minimum of incremental effort ’ which seems to suggest that the same will apply to applications developed with either , making it easier for users to hedge their bets by making their new mainframe applications migratable to the generality of Unix environments .
21 It is thus tempting to suggest that the same X-box binding complex may act both as an activator and as a repressor .
22 6.1 As respects all information as is directly or indirectly communicated to it by another Party ( hereinafter called the supplying Party ) under the terms of this Agreement or otherwise in connection with the Project ( including technical information or otherwise relating in any manner to the business or affairs of such other Party ) the recipient Party hereby undertakes to the supplying Party that it will until five years after Completion or abandonment of the Project treat the same as ( and use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the same be kept ) confidential and will not disclose the same to any other person without prior written consent of such other Party in each case except to the extent that it is reasonably necessary in or for the purposes of the exercise of the rights and licences granted to it pursuant to this Agreement .
23 Certainly Premack 's findings are under this cloud since Sarah 's performance suffered considerably when in the presence of a trainer who did not know the answers that she was supposed to give , and it would seem natural to expect that the more broadbrush methods of the gestural teaching would be equally suspect .
24 It would be a mistake , however , to assume that the latter is about nothing else .
25 It is tempting to assume that the same rule applies , but quasar redshifts are , in some cases , very much bigger than any measured galaxy redshift , so the assumption involves considerable extrapolation .
26 But that should not lead us to assume that the same holds for the externalities identified here .
27 The Windows for Workgroups beta included software to permit a DOS machine to hook up to a Windows for Workgroups network , although only as a client , so it 's safe to assume that the same Workgroup Connection software will find its way into version 6 .
28 This is probably the most difficult material to handle because the many characters and nationalities involved in the various available libretti must express themselves as distinctively as they do in real life and the choreographer must try and ensure his design has some semblance of reality if it is to communicate meaning .
29 When Lee turned out of the door and looked down to where the battered bird would have landed there was nothing to see but the same old Z-shaped crack in the hard , grey pavingstone and a streak of blood .
30 Our present understanding of the relationship between ΔC p and the hydrophobic effect [ 17 , 18 ] , leads us to conclude that the latter contributes little to the formation of the single strand helix , and consequently , that water molecules may not be appreciably ordered around the faces of the bases prior to stacking .
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