Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [art] house " in BNC.

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1 It was a relief to know that the house had not been depleted and that it remained uncontaminated .
2 When the Nethercotts shifted their furniture into the wreckage , they were surprised to discover that the house was considerably bigger outside than in .
3 Jackson was somewhat surprised to find that the house was divided into two flats , each with its own letter-box and doorbell .
4 How many times have hard-working men arrived home from work only to find that the house is upside down , furniture completely re-arranged and their favourite chair completely out of kilter with the best view of the TV ?
5 In considering the merits of such suggestions , it is important to realize that the House of Lords is also the final appeal court for cases originating in Scotland and Northern Ireland which have their own legal systems .
6 I do remember saying that we 'd go somewhere quiet so we can talk without any interruptions , and what better place to choose than the house ? ’
7 ‘ He was suspicious of the call and drove to the village on Wednesday to see if the house existed .
8 There can be no more public place to apologise than the House of Commons .
9 For these reasons , it is possible to hope that the House of Lords might , if called upon to do so , reconsider the decision in a way that makes it plain that the right to freedom of speech in public is not wholly dependent upon the discretion of the policeman on the spot — important though that will undoubtedly always be — but is guided by rules and principles that recognise , inter alia the importance of freedom of speech in public , and the fact that the person interfered with was going about his otherwise lawful business .
10 We will propose appropriate Parliamentary reforms to ensure that the House of Commons conducts its business more efficiently and effectively , taking into account the benefits of modern technology , the increasing constituency demands upon Members of Parliament and the need to attract more women to stand for election .
11 The Statutory Instruments Act 1946 sought to regularise these procedures and to ensure that the House had an opportunity of scrutinising such legislation .
12 The educational supervisor is supposed to ensure that the house officer is not ‘ overwhelmed by clinical commitments , overburdened by responsibilities inappropriate to the experience acquired , or undertaking an excessive on-call commitment . ’
13 Finally , the rise of the new Labour party helped to ensure that the House of Commons from 1906 onwards had an increasing proportion of members whose interests lay primarily or exclusively in domestic issues and who knew little of those in the outside world .
14 I begin to believe that the House will clap itself to death one day .
15 There was little time to stand admiring the view of this or that season when there was a big farm to run and a house and family to be looked after .
16 It 's now easier to check if the house you are planning to buy is ‘ green ’ , thanks to a new rating scheme launched by the National Energy Foundation .
17 Whether the matrimonial home is held in the joint names of the husband and wife on trust for sale or is in the name of the husband alone , it is not unusual for the court to order that the house be retained but upon certain terms and conditions .
18 Indeed , it is probably true to say that the House of Commons relies upon the House of Lords to do this job , up to a point .
19 They had planned to move and the house had already been sold .
20 Let us deal with the suggestion that it would be psychologically damaging to the country to show that the House condones homosexuality .
21 She 'd seen enough from the taxi to tell that every house , cottage , shop and inn was simply full of character , each different but still in the traditional Cotswold style she was beginning to recognise .
22 It is important to note that the House of Lords in Litster approved Spence .
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