Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 We 've hardly managed to touch on prisons at all , or though , although , I know that we have amongst us hundred people who er , who are , are responsible for and er and have dedicated much time to working in prisons and I do n't know whether there is sufficient people here qualified to comment or not whether the prisons do a good job , so I 'll ask some one who 's bound to be a slightly partial Audrey , there 's only one women 's prison as some one said earlier , now your an ex-governor , now is that right ?
2 Sister Ignatia had said that Flora could n't know whether she wanted to come or not until she had had a sniff of the place , seen some of the other girls .
3 Come here to see me if you will ; mother asks you , and I want you , but it is for you to come or not as you feel best , or as you like .
4 She might prefer to accept that rather than face the horror of the idea of her husband , the King of Scotland , being thrown into a pit among commoners . ’
5 But the Dutchman is smart enough to know that even though the practice session at the stadium went well , his strike-force still suffer from the age-old Irish problem .
6 However , you might find it reassuring to know that even if rheumatoid arthritis were diagnosed , it seems unlikely that you would become severely physically disabled .
7 Yes , we spent quite a lot of time alone together , started going to bed and all that , and yes we were sensible enough to know that even when you 're falling in love you should n't live entirely in one another 's pockets .
8 Erm , I think that the comments that Chair made ar are extremely bias , in what she 's saying , I think is , that it looks as if , if erm , the minister is beginning to realise this simply ca n't go on , this this disproportionate funding , and that is what is so unfair , and I think it does need to make quite clear to grant maintained schools , that there is , it , there is that possibility that that will be reduced , because they need to know that just as well , for balancing their own budgets in the future .
9 It is very important to know that less than 6 per cent .
10 The recruitment of those officers began immediately , and my hon. Friend will be pleased to know that more than 100 additional RUC and RUC reserve recruits were taken into training in December .
11 … children are used to feeling dissatisfied with their work , to expect chiding from the teacher and often mockery from their friends and to find that even when they 've tried their hardest , the results do n't reflect the amount of effort expended .
12 Mary was to find that out as time went on .
13 Well I do n't want to do that any more cos you 've got to wait three damn weeks nearly for the blasted things to come and then if they 're no good you 've got to send them back .
14 It became increasingly influential during the 1970s , due partly to the decline of functionalism , partly to its promise to provide answers which functionalism failed to provide and partly because it was more in keeping with the tenor and mood of the times .
15 And I remember hearing a story , er erm it was just they 'd got an old farmer he had a field of hay , just ready to cart and just as they were getting the horses , it came down to rain and they were all sheltering in the barn , and the said , More rain , more rest .
16 Miranda wants to know as soon as you 're allowed visitors .
17 Hamilton wanted to know as soon as the door was closed .
18 He has his own truth , but the role is merely a Jewish fantasy figure : the successful failure , the yearned for anti-self of all dissatisfied successes , a figure to cosset as well as patronise . ’
19 Petards were unreliable and apt to detonate as soon as a match came anywhere near the fuse , resulting in the hapless sapper being blown up or ‘ hoist by his own petard ’ .
20 If the family finances have been badly affected by the patient 's stroke , you may have to go to work as well as making provision for caring for the patient .
21 ‘ After she had Sophie two years ago she continued to work as well as be a great mother .
22 Spencer said easily , ‘ I think you might have been a little more enthusiastic about such lovely slippers , they are a work of art , you must be very pleased to find someone with the talent to work as well as the best London shoemakers and at a fraction of the price , if I 'm any judge . ’
23 Many old people tell their elderly friends , in confidence , that although they worry sometimes about various things in the house that need attention and are beyond their capabilities , they do n't like to keep mentioning ‘ this and that ’ to their children when they visit , as they are only too delighted to see them and feel it is a bit hard to put them to work as soon as they arrive .
24 And , of course , she 'll want to get back to work as soon as the staff are allowed into the laboratory .
25 I 'll be back to work as soon as the doctors let me .
26 The Provo , Utah company says the addition of the software will make networked applications simpler to write as well as easier to update and maintain , without the need for major rewrites , and that applications based on HD-DOMS technology will have the advantages of being interoperable across diverse computing environments and tightly integrated into NetWare 's distributed network services .
27 And Abeniaf was in great trouble at this which was said openly concerning him , and he sent privily to the Cid , telling him to come as soon as might be .
28 I want you to come as soon as you can . ’
29 It is clear that the derivation of the high number of word paths from mid-classes and the problem of filtering them out at the lexical access stage means that syntactic/semantic information must be brought to bear as soon as words are accessed .
30 It also shaped his own priorities : in 1958 , he returned not just with the aim of saving France 's honour , but with a clear vision of a new regime that he intended to found as well as a hard-won wisdom about how best to realize his vision .
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