Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] can [be] " in BNC.

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1 To breach them can be a grave moral fault .
2 ‘ It 's nice to know I can be a winner again .
3 Bob Maiden , the managing director , said the range was a response to ‘ the many requests from staff for something to wear which can be identified with the bank ’ .
4 So one way to sort out the various GUTs is to see which can be used to tell believable — and , ideally , testable — stories about the big bang .
5 Child care experts have gathered from throughout Scotland to discuss what can be done to improve the educational record of children in care .
6 To help you to identify what can be recycled , many Tesco products are clearly labelled with the distinctive Tesco Cares " recyclable " logo and the name of the material from which it is made .
7 That of course is to express what can be a complicated legal matter in a simple way , but in highly charged and volatile situations the maintenance of such a balance by the police and trades union officials is not always easy .
8 In any event , from the American point of view , the whole purpose of ground-based cruise missiles is that the decision to use them can be taken instantaneously without consulting anybody else .
9 To illustrate what can be done , here is the statement of policy of the English department of a multi-racial inner-city school : ‘ Pupils needs to develop full control of their language use .
10 Both categories should be screened to determine which can be assessed through a company 's own collection agencies in a convenient , legal and ethical manner .
11 SHe has eluded me completely , which leads me to believe SHe can be in the only place secure enough to hide from me , namely the Roirbak complex at Acropolis Park .
12 Some people , however , seem to believe it can be taught .
13 Choreographers today also need to understand what can be called a Grammar of Choreography if their work is to emerge as a valid stage presentation .
14 Of equal importance is the ability to understand what can be seen at some historical sites where there is little attempt at historical reconstruction to assist understanding — perhaps a burial mound in the middle of a field or a ruined castle .
15 This involves a very considerable degree of planning and administrative skill together with sufficient maturity at both local and national level to recognise what can be devolved and what should be maintained as a national concern .
16 It is sufficient here to notice the pronounced link between the Spirit and power to witness which can be seen both in the life of Jesus and that of the post-ascension Church .
17 When more of the outstanding work is complete , HOG will meet again to decide what can be used .
18 Regardless of the deftness we normally bring to our relationships , when conflict surfaces its power to overwhelm us can be deeply perplexing .
19 Waasen lies at the mouth of the Meien valley and for the motorist with a day in hand to spare it can be an ideal starting point for the famed Three Alpine Passes round trip .
20 Indeed , the cost of trying to change someone can be very high .
21 Such theories have helped to free dancers from the strict conventions of classical technique and to develop what can be called body language .
22 To lighten what can be quite an anxiety provoking experience , it is sometimes helpful to ask the client to role play a particular situation , but to do it at first , extremely badly .
23 One of the nurses rings back , discusses the situation and says she will ring the hospital and/or his GP to see what can be done .
24 In order to see what can be achieved by a successful agrarian reform policy and yet how these achievements can subsequently be reversed , it is worth examining Chilean agrarian changes .
25 Seeing her mother 's face fall , she added hastily , ‘ I shall have to see what can be done . ’
26 If the reason for the disappearance of the fuglicaa is a natural change in behaviour for whatever reason , then it is not easy to see what can be done about it .
27 Corinne Gotch , Booksellers Association marketing executive and NBS committee member , commented : ‘ Fewer booksellers are taking part , and so clearly the sale needs to be re-examined from both a bookselling and publishing point of view to see what can be cone to encourage greater participation . ’
28 Weekes , this was to " look into and make inquiries to see what can be done , and report on some future occasion " .
29 As a visiting teacher here , I have been amazed to see what can be achieved in a young medical school without many of the traditional resources .
30 Now the reason we 've asked them to talk to the government , government departments about this is to see what can be done .
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