Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] at all " in BNC.

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1 Once they 've joined in the Pirates Club , you 'll be lucky to see them at all , as they go through their paces for the junior cabaret ( where a lot of hidden young talent come to light ) , or as they enjoy the treasure hunts and fancy dress parties .
2 What I still could n't understand was why he wanted to see me at all .
3 ‘ I 've sweated blood to get him to agree to see me at all .
4 The interpretation of what remains as historical evidence is after all fundamental to the historians craft , but the deliberate preservation of historical source materials in the absence of context ( or worse still the failure to preserve them at all ) surely does little justice to the society in which we live .
5 I do not see much to encourage me at all , but this does not worry me for it could be much later when they arrive , after I have left for home .
6 Six six contracts all the same print so that if ever we shifted you or wanted you wanted to shift you from estate into to golf or to schools we do n't have to retrain you at all .
7 ‘ I do not want to know you at all , Monsieur Lemarchand , ’ she stated firmly .
8 He CALLED twice at the station — only to be sent away with a flea in his ear — and LEFT his name and company address so detectives knew where to find him at all times .
9 You see , I did n't know her for long and it was a privilege to meet her at all .
10 And I hardly got to know him at all .
11 ‘ We want to see proper education and we have said we will put a penny on income tax to provide it at all levels from the age of three upwards . ’
12 Some people discover this element of themselves while still very young ; others come to it at a much later stage in their lives — and others never manage to find it at all .
13 Be warned though , it does n't work on all PC speakers — there are one or two in the office that emit a sound of some sort , but so quietly that you need a hearing aid to catch anything at all .
14 The second defect is that the suggestion is too strong and is likely to make it impossible for any of us to know anything at all .
15 And it is not possible for us to know anything at all about him unless he is generous enough to disclose himself Another book in this series has tackled the question of revelation ; suffice it to say at this point that without revelation we can not say anything about the Lord who is Spirit .
16 Indeed , she walked so far and so long that she was too tired to write anything at all upon her return and did not in fact send a reply until the following day .
17 ‘ Why should you bother to remember me at all — except unpleasantly ? ’ she murmured .
18 We , and others , recommend that a sample should be obtained after one hour for both routes and are pleased to receive one at all , for it immediately involves the medical microbiologist in the care of the patient , and close cooperation is important .
19 He stared out of his constricting net of anxieties and fears at this clean , smooth , well-intentioned boy , and wondered why he should be expected to make the effort to answer him at all .
20 I 'd like tomorrow to be the happiest day of her life , with nothing to mar it at all .
21 we 're not , like , intending to sell it at all but
22 In many cases they are not able to remember anything at all about the earlier incidents and so all they have are those inner feelings with nothing to counteract them .
23 It was a good system for everyone except the artist , who was frequently offered a low rate for the job , then had his payment deferred , and sometimes had to battle for months to receive anything at all .
24 Indeed , I may say it was not my wish to see you at all .
25 You must have given the driver some bribe , Edward , I do n't know how he managed to help me at all , he was terrified of being caught . ’
26 When information technology users are in doubt about what to buy , who to buy it from , and whether or not they can afford it , they are apt to buy nothing at all .
27 Callinicos , defence of Marxism is erudite and compelling , and the fact that he runs out of steam over post-war art is of less moment than the fact that he takes the range of issues seriously enough to discuss them at all .
28 That was not going to help him at all , even if it made Humber happier .
29 That said his fitness has to be 100% for Wilko to play him at all , and he clearly is liable to get himself sent off .
30 I think my relationship is a fairly normal one , but I do find myself bending over backwards not to erm use any of the sort of additional knowledge I have of education , and if there are things going on that perhaps I think that there might be better ways of doing it , then I bend over backwards not to give that kind of impression or to suggest it at all , because it seems to me that it 's going to make the relationship with the school or with the teachers erm a rather awkward one , and I do n't think it will good for my children .
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