Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well I mean when we to go I mean the tourism and they were just
2 I have to emphasise I have the CHARACTERISTICS of train spotters , not a penchant for the hobby itself .
3 Right you have to come I think the basis of this evening was to get people to come along and put there points of view and to say what 's happening and what is n't happening and I think we can take that take that away and considerate it yes I mean I I think the board or the management committee will be happy to meet with people to discuss the use of the theatre er what it 's used for what might what the unhappiness is if there is unhappiness and the positive and the positive as well as the negative points yes .
4 He says it 's me wife and she 's as mad as hell , and they says yeah we can hear her from here and s must 've said summat about writing and she starts bawling and shouting , oh summat about you 've got to write I want a letter by Friday , you 're not messing me about no more , you 're not talking to him you 're talking to me .
5 As I sit down to write I have a photograph propped up on the desk in front of me .
6 ’ Well , it 's nice to know I have the organisation 's seal of approval . ’
7 I 'd like to know who cut the strings of her tennis racket too , the first formers looked at one another , it certainly is queer the way things have been happening to poor Mary Lou lately , even her prayer book had disappeared and some of her pencils had gone .
8 The standard BC109 quotes a range of 180 to 800 and you are less likely to find you have a suitable device .
9 Rose snapped , adding crossly , ‘ In any event , how are they to know you have an interest there yourself ? ’
10 That 's seconded , nice to know we have a straight choice , as you favour , we 'll take them in reverse order .
11 Jay 'd had enough men to know they treat a woman 's body with anything from contempt and rage to inept uncertainty and fear ; once in a blue moon only , with real fascination and tenderness .
12 The announcement that British Aerospace has agreed terms for repaying more than £40m in ‘ sweeteners ’ offered by the Government to encourage it buy the Rover car company in 1988 took the wind out of BAe , which lost 4p to 321p .
13 Let me just point out to you that last year if you remember they asked you to describe the the passage where Jesus is crucified , that 's 1521 to 31 and I guess they wo n't do that again this year , but they 're likely to pick on a significant passage , significant section then you 're asked to relate it relate the passage at the end of Mark 's Gospel where Jesus is crucified .
14 While you are waiting to receive them prepare the flour and yeast mixture and the stock containers .
15 If they even look like they are going to answer they get an automatic extra twelve hours .
16 That 's the breakthrough — to realize you have a right and no longer feel guilty .
17 As we approach the end of the diet and exercise programme , it is important to decide at this stage how you intend to proceed afterwards.If you have a significant amount of weight to lose you have the choice of continuing on the diet menus as included in the daily plans or you can follow the diet contained in my Complete Hip and Thigh Diet .
18 ‘ Listen to this bit , ’ she urged , ‘ I do not wish to treat you like a good-time girl .
19 It means they 're going to treat you like a grown-up , but they do n't really think you are and anyhow they 're jealous of you .
20 ‘ I thought you wanted me to treat you like a sister ? ’ he threw over his shoulder .
21 Oxygen fills your lungs to float you like a lily-pad
22 It was okay painting window frames , but it was n't going to help me get a job when I got outside .
23 The temperature is bitterly cold , the chamber is filled with freezing fog , and drifting towards the adventurers to surround them come the soul pupae .
24 ‘ It 's going to fit you like a glove .
25 I was surprised to hear you have a fear of drowning , but I do n't expect that is bothering you on a big ship .
26 I 'm going to envelope you in flesh , I 'm going to cover you like an Austrian feather quilt , like an enormous dumpling , you 'll like that , wo n't you ?
27 Er , and I mean if you want to buy you know a few hundred of it then fine , you know you could b it 'll do the job , you know if it 's , it 's not a , a thing that er
28 League spokesman Ian Cotton said : ‘ It will show that League football is doing something to help itself fulfil the requirements of the Lord Justice Taylor report .
29 ‘ Our noble relations are going to help you marry a gentleman . ’
30 So with 51 chances to win you 've no excuse for not entering .
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