Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And then Boy cut back to the man on the bed , who was saying ( actually it was a different man in a different room , Boy realised ; the sofa and the quilted nylon counterpane were in a different colour in this room , though the man sitting there looked just like the last one ) , the man was saying I like your shoes , please take off your shoes ; and Boy cut backwards and forwards between this man and the politician beginning to lose his self-control and saying I would just ask people to forgive me really and to forgive my wife as well .
2 The old and lonely are very vulnerable , and if you have sounded detached , preoccupied , or hurried during the conversation they can easily feel hurt and rejected ; and that hurt can be like an emotional graze that will remain painful until you are able to see them again and heal it .
3 Happily she waved back , realising just how pleased she was to see them again and when , moments later , she climbed into the crowded bus with David behind her she was deafened by welcoming voices .
4 and then I come back and then I went to see them again and they were all on a great big table as though they were celebrating a party and Joyce said er
5 And you really have to see them before and after .
6 We should not have expected to see them there if we went again .
7 He bored easily and though he loved beautiful women of all dimensions and aspects , he had rarely bothered to see them twice if there was not some fire of the spirit or intelligence to intrigue him .
8 Overall , the most fruitful way to examine the interaction of courts , executives and assemblies is to see them all as engaged in a continuous process by which the law and rights are constantly being defined and redefined .
9 I was in the bank , so he came to see me there and introduced himself .
10 I do n't know what the drink was — brandy or whisky — I had that much , I had it twice , so that the lads had to see me home because I was more or less drunk .
11 The room , reached this time from the veranda , was just as lovely as she had remembered , and after folding some clothes neatly in drawers and hanging the rest on satin-padded hangers in the wardrobe she fussed for quite some time with the scanty collection of knick-knacks she had brought , trying to arrange them so that they harmonised with the tranquil simplicity of the décor .
12 He told the reporter , who was driven blindfold to meet him at a secret location , that gangsters doused one of his two sons with petrol and threatened to kill them both if he did not co-operate in the theft .
13 We hear endlessly of Rodrigo taking various fortified cities and castles — only to lose them later and often in a matter of months .
14 In fact it is possible to enjoy them most when one is aware of them least .
15 Bruce , therefore , became a kind of guerilla leader whose main means of harming the English was to harass them rather than seek a formal confrontation with them .
16 However , most of us have very ordinary windows and want to know how to treat them well and interestingly for the least possible expense .
17 To treat them simply as statements of objective fact , to be proved or disproved by appeal to observation of the world around us , to the speculations and arguments of metaphysical philosophy , or even to the authority of the Bible understood as a collection of ‘ divine truths ’ , is to misconceive their nature and function .
18 She has brought her up to make men fall at her feet in love with her and then to treat them roughly and to break their hearts .
19 Once the cement had set , both filters were placed on their bases and 2″ domestic plastic plumbing line was used to connect them together and also to connect the large filter to the new pond .
20 Essentially this asks statutory undertakers ‘ to ensure that both planning authorities and the public know of proposals for permitted development that are likely to affect them significantly before the proposals are finalised ’ .
21 It is true , these same trivial errors did cause me some anxiety at first , but once I had had time to diagnose them correctly as symptoms of nothing more than a straightforward staff shortage , I have refrained from giving them much thought .
22 There was a spring in my step and when Craig Brewster played a nice through ball into the box , my old legs managed to carry me there and I got a second goal that I did n't expect . ’
23 ‘ You mugs would n't know how to treat me straight if I were a twelve-inch ruler . ’
24 Olivia , who likes her sleep , soon developed a great loathing for our morning visitors , but all her efforts to drive them away and apart had little success , and spectacularly failed to calm the passions of the energetically copulating birds .
25 He was cruel because he wanted to drive me away ; but he wanted to drive me away because he feared that he might love me completely .
26 An expert in the field could be expected not only to classify them correctly but would also know what to do about them .
27 My mother did n't need them and was far too pretty to wear them even if she had needed them .
28 She 's not too unpleasant , even if she does pretend to like me more than I know she really does .
29 In her study of young Asian men and women who were unemployed , Brah notes that sons with widowed mothers felt under particular pressure to support them financially and practically , and when unemployment made it impossible for them to do so they felt ‘ an acute sense of failure ’ as one of her interviewees put it ,
30 How do we know whether people gave money to their parents because they felt a sense of duty to support them financially or because they feared prosecution ?
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