Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 We should not have expected to see them there if we went again .
2 He bored easily and though he loved beautiful women of all dimensions and aspects , he had rarely bothered to see them twice if there was not some fire of the spirit or intelligence to intrigue him .
3 Overall , the most fruitful way to examine the interaction of courts , executives and assemblies is to see them all as engaged in a continuous process by which the law and rights are constantly being defined and redefined .
4 I do n't know what the drink was — brandy or whisky — I had that much , I had it twice , so that the lads had to see me home because I was more or less drunk .
5 He told the reporter , who was driven blindfold to meet him at a secret location , that gangsters doused one of his two sons with petrol and threatened to kill them both if he did not co-operate in the theft .
6 In fact it is possible to enjoy them most when one is aware of them least .
7 Bruce , therefore , became a kind of guerilla leader whose main means of harming the English was to harass them rather than seek a formal confrontation with them .
8 To treat them simply as statements of objective fact , to be proved or disproved by appeal to observation of the world around us , to the speculations and arguments of metaphysical philosophy , or even to the authority of the Bible understood as a collection of ‘ divine truths ’ , is to misconceive their nature and function .
9 Essentially this asks statutory undertakers ‘ to ensure that both planning authorities and the public know of proposals for permitted development that are likely to affect them significantly before the proposals are finalised ’ .
10 It is true , these same trivial errors did cause me some anxiety at first , but once I had had time to diagnose them correctly as symptoms of nothing more than a straightforward staff shortage , I have refrained from giving them much thought .
11 ‘ You mugs would n't know how to treat me straight if I were a twelve-inch ruler . ’
12 He was cruel because he wanted to drive me away ; but he wanted to drive me away because he feared that he might love me completely .
13 My mother did n't need them and was far too pretty to wear them even if she had needed them .
14 She 's not too unpleasant , even if she does pretend to like me more than I know she really does .
15 The next thing , they 'll be telling Mushtaq Ahmed not to bowl his googly as that 's not fair either !
16 ‘ I have n't had time to meet everyone yet although I 've spoken to Mr Patel across the landing . ’
17 Sam was n't privileged to meet them either as he 'd been set to work whitewashing the Barracks , which they never got around to inspecting .
18 Without exception the C E C are recommending you to accept them all but there is at least one where we 're accepting with a qualification .
19 You may not wish to write them all but imagine them nevertheless and draft out the pattern of the story .
20 It is important to file away your classwork notes carefully so that you are able to find them again when you need them .
21 Friends of the Earth ( FoE ) has launched a new campaign against pollution by warning the directors of 14 industrial companies in Yorkshire that it will seek to prosecute them personally unless they take action to prevent their companies breaching water pollution laws .
22 Employment aspirations also differentiated the school-leavers ; those who aspired to manual jobs were more likely to obtain them locally than were those who aspired to non-manual work , especially professional and managerial posts .
23 I wanted my friends to know me better than they had before .
25 We 're trying , of course , to position ourselves so as to fool our competitors into delaying or cancelling their capacity increases .
26 I 'll bring Whitey to meet you just as soon as I can and I know you 'll love him . ’
27 Sometimes you get hung up on people wanting to know you just because they 've seen you on the telly , and of course that is n't there with other actors .
28 When I got home I said , ‘ They ought to know you better than think you would marry a prostitute . ‘
29 ‘ I felt I 'd like to know you better before I broached the subject . ’
30 She was about to try something else when the outside air pressure indicator above her visor started to move .
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