Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 But was it necessary to kill my men in cold blood ?
2 ‘ This is the first time I 've had to carry my clubs in my life . ’
3 W. P. With kids , I used to carry my gloves in my hand and without any fingers in , and I used to catch them with the gloves if they were cheeky , and if they got cheekier still , I used to take them home for a belt .
4 In September 1938 , when I was sixteen , I went back to my native country for a holiday ; partly because 1 wanted to see my friends in štanjel , and partly so that I could visit my uncles , aunts and cousins on my mother 's side of the family in Mavhinje .
5 ‘ There was a scene where I wanted to keep my clothes on and I told Adrian ‘ They do n't have to see my breasts in every shot , do they ? ’
6 ‘ I fixed up months ago to meet my parents in East Berlin today and took some holiday for it , ’ fumed one man .
7 However hard I work and struggle for the future there are ever snares to catch me and sometimes I see no end to it and think myself doomed to pass my days in toil and nothing else .
8 As the delegated head of this wonderful club , I see my duties as follows : firstly to my wife and children ; secondly to other members of my family ; then to consolidate my assets in any profitable manner I choose ; and then to devote the rest of my time to the welfare of this club .
9 However , some councils have had to modify their policies in this respect in view of the management problems on these estates .
10 Subjects affected by such apprehension will tend to modify their responses in a way they think the experimenter considers them to be healthy .
11 The likelihood of Britain having to meet her obligations in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula increased in step with the raucousness of Radio Cairo 's ‘ The Voice of the Arabs ’ , adjuring all true followers of Islam to oust every vestige of European colonialism from their lands .
12 This is , they say , a bit inconvenient as they have to meet their girlfriends in the Charles Hawtrey Patio at the Duck and Forceps at midday .
13 Despite Second Lieutenant Keith 's orders to keep their positions , his soldiers swarmed over the trenches to meet their counterparts in No Man 's Land .
14 It being their considered opinion , based on personal experience , that no one method is sufficient to meet their needs in adult life , they desire , therefore , that the Minister of Education shall with the utmost speed institute a Special Enquiry into the results of the present system and if necessary in the light of conclusions thus established , take such steps as he may think desirable to include the use of fingerspellng and signing , in conjunction with the oral teaching , in the curriculum of all Special Schools for the Deaf .
15 But surveys show that the nutritional status of patients tends to deteriorate during hospitalisation , and that many fail to receive the quality of food necessary to meet their needs in terms of energy , protein , vitamins and iron .
16 The trend for suburban dwelling was set by the wealthy , and planned suburbs appeared in order to meet their needs in the 1860s .
17 He had said he might be late , after all , and she decided to snatch a few more moments of privacy to recharge her batteries in the one place in the whole luxurious house where she was able to relax and feel she was her own person .
18 But those that came from arid islands and had to crane their necks in order to reach branches of cactus or leaves of trees , had much longer necks and a high peak to the front of their shells that enabled them to stretch their necks almost vertically upwards .
19 It was hard to avoid the conclusion that while pique may have played a part in its foundation , it had come into being not so much to benefit its members in terms of strengthening trade within the seven , but on the basis of a belief that in unity there was strength : in other words , as a group of seven they would be in a less disadvantageous position vis-à-vis the Six than if each separately attempted to negotiate some accommodation with the Six .
20 The Wisconsin state authorities feel that they have lost enough money on Steve Chen 's dreams — his failed Supercomputer Systems Inc received $75m in incentives from to establish its operations in Eau Claire , and they showed Chen the door when he asked for another $5m to get his fledgling SuperComputers International Inc off the ground in Eau Claire .
21 And the market needs to establish its credentials in Europe unless it wants to risk being a perpetual also-ran to the likes of Generali , Allianz or Swiss Re .
22 And the market needs to establish its credentials in Europe unless it wants to risk being a perpetual also-ran to the likes of Generali , Allianz or Swiss Re .
23 It has , however , yet to establish its credentials in understanding the views and conflicting perspectives of local communities .
24 Since the 1950s the USSR has tried to persuade Latin American governments that trade with the eastern bloc should be ‘ a major element in the Latin American countries ’ drive for economic independence' , since it would enable them ‘ to gain more favourable terms with the industrially developed capitalist states , to consolidate their forces in the struggle against foreign monopolies [ and ] to expand their export ( sic ) and develop their industry and agriculture ’ ( Gladkov : 1975 , p. 11 ) .
25 Such classificatory techniques and use of social binaries seem all too obvious in police practice and undoubtedly enhance ideological barriers and present further opportunities for the powerful to encourage their agents in the police to pursue bigotry and authoritarian measures in their contests with the dispossessed .
26 This was used as one of the major defences of the British aid programme in Nepal which was to concentrate their efforts in villages with a predominant presence of ex-Gurkha soldiers which would encourage both better rapport between British field officers and farmers , as well as an ( ex- ) army-style sense of organisation , discipline and work-practice within the village itself .
27 Firms can choose to concentrate their resources in a few countries and emphasise exports to other markets , or they can disperse their resources and emphasise FDI .
28 The theory of the second-best says that it is allocatively more efficient to spread inevitable distortions thinly over many markets than to concentrate their effects in a few markets .
29 Because they have seen the future they can not or will not speak of what they know so the Phoenix Guard are a silent order , pledged not to allow a single word to pass their lips in all the time they spend as guardians of the shrine .
30 They are a silent order , pledged not to allow a single word to pass their lips in the time they spend as guardians of the shrine .
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