Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 Once they 've joined in the Pirates Club , you 'll be lucky to see them at all , as they go through their paces for the junior cabaret ( where a lot of hidden young talent come to light ) , or as they enjoy the treasure hunts and fancy dress parties .
2 What I still could n't understand was why he wanted to see me at all .
3 ‘ I 've sweated blood to get him to agree to see me at all .
4 The interpretation of what remains as historical evidence is after all fundamental to the historians craft , but the deliberate preservation of historical source materials in the absence of context ( or worse still the failure to preserve them at all ) surely does little justice to the society in which we live .
5 He had n't been so pleased to see someone in all his life .
6 I do not see much to encourage me at all , but this does not worry me for it could be much later when they arrive , after I have left for home .
7 Trains had been laid on to despatch them to all parts of the country , so that for the rest of their lives they would be able to recall a few moments of honour , even glory .
8 as if I have not had enough to worry me with all this talk of Benedict ! ’
9 But we should need to find a crock of gold , my dear , to provide ourselves with all that . ’
10 Six six contracts all the same print so that if ever we shifted you or wanted you wanted to shift you from estate into to golf or to schools we do n't have to retrain you at all .
11 ‘ I do not want to know you at all , Monsieur Lemarchand , ’ she stated firmly .
12 Do you think people who are digging all these bits up are going to know everything about all the things they 've dug up ?
13 He CALLED twice at the station — only to be sent away with a flea in his ear — and LEFT his name and company address so detectives knew where to find him at all times .
14 He took hold of her by the shoulders and began to shake her with all his strength , forcing her back through the hall towards the staircase .
15 You see , I did n't know her for long and it was a privilege to meet her at all .
16 The entry will be placed on the Proprietorship Register and will read : Note : The transfer to the proprietor contains a covenant by her with [ Husband ] to pay the monies secured by Charge No 1 and to indemnify him from all claims and demands in respect thereof .
17 And I hardly got to know him at all .
18 For in the same way in which the number or title of a painting in an exhibition catalogue gives it an identity as a material object different from all others of the same type , so the letters and numbers on a Cubist painting serve to individualize it , to isolate it from all other paintings .
19 Ford is testing a sophisticated electronic security system on cars used by its own executives before deciding whether to standardise it on all high performance models .
20 The Left in British politics had never had , nor needed to have , any single clear view about the structure of secondary education : the imperative was to provide it for all , and to provide it free .
21 ‘ We want to see proper education and we have said we will put a penny on income tax to provide it at all levels from the age of three upwards . ’
22 Some people discover this element of themselves while still very young ; others come to it at a much later stage in their lives — and others never manage to find it at all .
23 Syllabic is perhaps the most noticeable example of the English syllabic consonant , though it would be wrong to expect to find it in all accents .
24 Be warned though , it does n't work on all PC speakers — there are one or two in the office that emit a sound of some sort , but so quietly that you need a hearing aid to catch anything at all .
25 It is highly probable that by early in the next century it will require no more than ten per cent of the labour force to provide us with all our material needs — that is , all the food we eat , all the clothing we wear , all the textiles and furnishings in our houses , the houses themselves , the appliances , the automobiles , and so on .
26 The second defect is that the suggestion is too strong and is likely to make it impossible for any of us to know anything at all .
27 And it is not possible for us to know anything at all about him unless he is generous enough to disclose himself Another book in this series has tackled the question of revelation ; suffice it to say at this point that without revelation we can not say anything about the Lord who is Spirit .
28 Indeed , she walked so far and so long that she was too tired to write anything at all upon her return and did not in fact send a reply until the following day .
29 ‘ Why should you bother to remember me at all — except unpleasantly ? ’ she murmured .
30 Were they not going to destroy them after all ?
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