Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 There 's something about them that makes me want to see them glazed with passion — ’
2 I have just received notice via our agent , Mr John Popham , whom I believe you know , that Newport Borough Council and Gwent County Council are preparing to apply to the Secretary of State for Wales for an Order under the above Act to enable them to proceed with the construction of a barrage across the river Usk .
3 I have no record of having received a reply and since everything is beginning to move again with the local authorities applying to the Secretary of State for him to lay Orders under the Transport and Public Works Act to enable them to proceed with public consultation on their scheme , the matter is becoming critical once again .
4 But irrespective of how they construe the common sense which is the policeman or woman 's working knowledge , seniors are agreed that new recruits need experience of life to enable them to deal with the range of situations and people they encounter in their work .
5 Library acquisitions in higher education are already seriously underfunded , and ways must be found to enable them to deal with these new pressures .
6 Moreover , this is occurring at a time when few resources are available to enable them to deal with increased numbers .
7 We have provided an access fund to the institutions to enable them to deal with the few cases of hardship that genuinely occur .
8 We should consider the supply of metal detectors and the regular retraining of police officers to enable them to deal with knife problems .
9 As is argued at length in the Kingman Report , substantial programmes of teacher training are required if teachers are themselves to know enough to enable them to design with confidence programmes of study about language .
10 The public library has lost its soul because it has been absorbed into the modern semi-literate culture and because it did not have the knowledge and experience gained across generations that the old private libraries had to enable them to cope with the world of mass circulation popular fiction , for example , rather than the People 's University that Hoggart remembers from his youth in the Hunslet district of Leeds .
11 Some of the details are nicely done such as the antiquated ceramic water bottle offered by the porter to enable them to cope with the freezing bedrooms .
12 There was a great yearning among lay people to understand in terms of their own vernacular this inner experience of the faith , which , through the institutional influence of the Church , formally governed the structure of their lives , although their education may not have been such as to enable them to cope with the official language of the Church or highly intellectual theological exposition .
13 They want our tied estate and ‘ English heritage ’ beers to enable them to compete with the five major national tied estate brewers .
14 However , recently they can be issued for maturities for as little as 7 days to enable them to compete with the sterling commercial paper market .
15 The biggest conflicts looming over negotiations for a climate treaty , which begins this month , involve the money that rich countries must give to poor ones to enable them to develop with reduced CO 2 emissions .
16 there is a serious side to community education and it is highly political in nature , that it should be directed towards equalising political power at local level , that communities should be learning skills to enable them to work with , and if necessary to confront local bureaucracy .
17 Also , as the directors remain in office , the receiver would probably be under an obligation to provide the directors with the information that they need to know to enable them to comply with their reporting obligations under the Companies Act .
18 To provide advice and guidance to businesses to enable them to comply with the requirements of the legislation enforced .
19 David Gettings , manager of Binns , Darlington , has presented certificates to four of six members of staff who have successfully completed a sign language course to enable them to communicate with deaf customers .
20 The three answering apparitions make him feel safer with their answers of … and yet he decides to kill Macduff for safe measure but as Macduff has fled he decides to kill everyone linked with Macduff though they pose him no threat .
21 Frankly there just is n't enough original or really exceptional material to tempt me to part with thirty pounds of my hard-earned cash .
22 Often on the beach , when he 'd run on ahead looking for flat pebbles to skim over the sea , he 'd glanced back to find them walking with their arms around one another .
23 The director had a lot of respect for Douglas as an actor but since this was to be Silverstein 's first theatrical film he did n't want to have to find himself dealing with ‘ A consummate ego ’ , as he put it , and then added , ‘ no , huge ego ’ .
24 He returned from a cold and rainy holiday in Switzerland to find himself faced with a mountain of correspondence and other business ( he was receiving in this period something like fifty letters a day , although most of them were handled by Valerie Fletcher ) .
25 Anybody scheduling an experiment was likely to find himself faced with a lawsuit if he did n't make the environmental impact statement that was required under the National Environmental Policy Act .
26 At Hamilton Terrace Minton may have been relieved , after the turmoil of Bedford Gardens , to find himself sharing with someone who came from a similar background .
27 Most of them were senior members of the Institute and Hall could well have been surprised to find himself confronted with a group of men bound together by a considerable degree of common purpose and understanding .
28 It is as if the speaker , in a state of semi-consciousness , was first aware of the stimulus , and then , an instant later , suddenly awoke to find himself confronted with the result provoked by this stimulus , without being conscious of the passage from one state to the other .
29 It could be quite disconcerting for the archer whose bow disintegrated to find himself left with a handful of bits and pieces resembling a bundle of firewood .
30 Prices have tumbles over the past two years , and to tempt you to part with your cash , software companies are bundling their packages with more and more freebies : tons of clip-art , hundreds of fonts , utilities , you name it .
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