Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In fact the Governments " minute of appointment " in 1961 set as the Committee 's terms of reference to report on and review the pattern of full-time higher education in Britain " in the light of national needs and resources " .
2 As the date of the exam came nearer , he decided to go somewhere and read by himself .
3 This in turn depends on the relevance it has , how important it is to them not to get pregnant , and how easy emotionally and practically it is to go somewhere and ask for it .
4 Yet the survey also found the same drivers were far more likely to drive badly and to flout the law .
5 Right , now this is steep hill so I 've got to go slowly and hang on to you tightly so th buggy does n't run away from me .
6 yeah so I said oh I see , so that was that , so I think they 've got a , a meeting in a couple of weeks and they 'll sort of tell her discreetly that she has to carry on and do it what she 's been the
7 Why do n't they give them the money to carry on and do all the good work they 've done , which is well worthwhile .
8 Charlie felt indifferent as each of the decorated men was announced and his citation read out until he heard the name of Lieutenant Arthur Harvey who , the colonel told them , had led a charge of Number Eleven Platoon all the way up to the German trenches , thus allowing those behind him to carry on and break through the enemy 's defences .
9 In reality it 's all too easy to carry on and hope it will go away .
10 The Government are hoping to carry on and according to the Secretary of State for the Environment the people will have to put up with the tax until 1993 .
11 Only if you satisfied the selection board there were you allowed to carry on and start basic training , which itself lasted four months .
12 If you wanted to you could work a few more rows of stocking stitch and just put in a single row of holes again , but for our practise piece it is better to carry on and make more holes .
13 Green fields through which a road wound , not tiled like the tunnel floor but just as white ( the deep white dust of chalk hills in August ) so that the tunnel floor seemed to carry on and meander into this summer landscape .
14 Having uncovered so much that is praiseworthy so far it is nice to be able to carry on and commend the sound .
15 But I was determined to carry on and won a full scholarship to the Escuela Normal , the teachers ' training school .
16 It was really exciting just to carry on and get involved in making an album — get on the road .
17 Now we 've got to carry on and get the the middle of the table .
18 With luck you 'll be able to carry on and enjoy your holiday . ’
19 I never intend to die but to carry on and live forever !
20 After the fourth session of the Hague peace conference on Sept. 26 , attended by the Foreign Ministers of all the republics , Lord Carrington said that the ceasefire seemed to be holding sufficiently for the conference to carry on and to accelerate its work .
21 ‘ It 's ridiculous to carry on and endanger the lives of your team and the civilian , ’ said Carter , ‘ Joseph what do you think ? ’
22 ‘ He decided to carry on and returned to training four weeks ago .
23 ‘ You must take me as you find me ’ means ‘ I 'm going to carry on and behave as I always do even if it does n't suit you . ’
24 They become quite unconscious of what they are doing for a few seconds , and yet insist that they want to carry on and learn to fly .
25 These are some of the points I feel we need to target on and work on .
26 It leaves it unsolved , but all right , given that our ancestors had this because they wanted to swim sinusoidally and eat , you know , filter feed and do things like that , we do n't swim sinusoidally and filter feed why on earth do we are we so conservative ?
27 A few days before his chanceless century , Dean expressed a wish ‘ to go on and make bigger scores .
28 What else if I , I have to go and relieve er if I want er to only work down the cabin and it come to meal times cos we carried on dredging from six in the morning we do al all the winters round cos they eat on the dredger they used to eat three winches four winches on the dredger cos they 'd heave the dredger across the river and back again , wo when they come to meal times I used to have to go on and relieve the man what was driving that winch and I used t cos the er er chins coming round the barrel of the winch they used to override and I used to have a handle to knock them clear .
29 Pisa here tonight know that a win here in Nottingham tonight will put them in a very strong position indeed in this group er to go on and go through .
30 And it 's no good for her to go on and think she 's gon na get a little girl is it ?
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